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Product pack "offer" price not showing


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Hi, I'm trying to figure out why my website isn't showing the notice that says "En lugar de 2.401,00$"




I've narrowed it down to the system nor parsing my prices correctly, since if I enter a really small value (e.g: 0$) it works fine, but it doesn't with the real prices.

After tinkering with it, i think it might have to do with the system confusing the decimal separator in my store, since if the price of the products in a pack are for instance $2401, it shows as $2,401. The greatest value that would make that notice show is $2.40. If I enter $2.401 it stops showing:


The line that makes this show or not is on the product-prices.tpl:


{block name='product_pack_price'} {if $displayPackPrice} <p class="product-pack-price"><span>{l s='Instead of %price%' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog' sprintf=['%price%' => $noPackPrice]}</span></p> {/if} {/block}


But I have no way of knowing where the $displayPackPrice variable is defined. How can I look at that? My guess is that variable evaluates to to only if:

A- Product is a pack and B- the price of the pack is smaller than the sum of the contained goods. 

Does anyone know how to find where that variable is defined or what else I could try to fix this?


Thanks in advance, 




Screen Shot 2020-09-14 at 20.05.01.png

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