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Product thumbnail image invalid path

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Hello guys,

I want to display the thumbnail of a given Product within an Admin page built with symfony. I am doing it this way:

$product = new Product($id, false, $lang);
$imageProduct = new Image($product->getCover($id)['id_image']);
$img = ImageManager::thumbnail(
  _PS_IMG_DIR_ . 'p/' . $imageProduct->getExistingImgPath() . '.jpg',
  'product_small_' . $id . '.jpg',

the result is:

<img src="../img/tmp/product_small_1.jpg?time=1599958131" alt="" class="imgm img-thumbnail">


but the path is invalid, this one works :



Do you know why I don't get the correct path in the first place ? Am I doing it wrong ?

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ok it seems the proper way to do this is:


$product = new Product($id, false, $lang);
$img = $product->getCover($id);
$url = Context::getContext()->link->getImageLink(isset($product->link_rewrite) ? $product->link_rewrite : $product->name, (int) $img['id_image'], 'small_default');


Edited by Archalia (see edit history)
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