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Integration in WordPress

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Does anybody have an idea how to integrate a "shopwindow" - in Wordpress. I want to show a product (with description and Add to Basket button) in a Wordpress article.
My ideas are:
Writing a WP plugin and calling the presta webservice (high effort)
Loading it with an iframe (How can I do that without seeing the whole page?)

thanks in advance,

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a buy button that uses the product url?

That is exactly my problem... how can I add a button like that, that is automatically adding a product to the basked?
I tried to fake the POST to the cart.php but its obviously sending a token to make sure nobody fakes a request there...
maybe you have an easier solution - and I'm thinking too much in programmers way :-/
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Ok I solved my problem as followed:

Adding a line in the header.tpl:

{if isset($smarty.get.minimalview)} <link href="{$base_dir}themes/prestashop/css/minimal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/> {/if}

So I can call the page with ?minimalview=true and it shows the whole site without the crap around.
Then I added in WP an iframe with the pages as src.

The result is that I can add products to the basked from WP without changing the presta core or something in WP.
Now I'm putting it in a cool plugin so that it can be added to articles like that: [presta product-id=22]

Thanks for your ideas anyway ChrisLNZ!

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