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shipping country - France - can not by cahnged - why?


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Hello, can anybody please help me with country setting?

I have little eshop for mamas and kids (with 2 items :D ) and I am stucked right now. I have problem with country setting.

1. in cart - in order formulary - I (as a customer) can not set any other country than FRANCE. I need ONLY SLOVAKIA or Czech rep. Not EU (EU countries), not world. Because we will not be able to send anything out of SVK. How can I please set that in order formulary will be Slovakia (and Czech) or/and GENERALY for all eshop set country Slovakia? 

look please at picture (france.jpg)


thank you very much, Dana


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Mezinárodní -> lokace -> země

V seznamu najít a povolit cz a sk.

Dále rozkliknout zemi a v adrese přidat položku Country:name


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diky moc za pomoc :)

nemam tam "zeme", ale nakoniec to slo cez import lokalizacneho balika. Stiahla som si Slovensko a Cesku rep. Este by som chcela vyhodit to francuzsko, musim najst kde sa to sejvlo na kompe a manualne to vyhodit :D



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Danka_D veľmi ďakujem za pomoc. Trápim sa s tým už neuveriteľne dlho. By som čakal, že keď nastavím všade Slovakia, tak to pochopí, čo chcem. :)

Náhodou ste neprišla na to, ako vyhodiť to France? Prípadne celý ten riadok ako taký?

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