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CNET Contentcast

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I use to use CNET contentcast to display content for products in 2014. It was a simple case as just inserting some code in to the product.tpl file and it just worked.

In 2017 I wanted to create a new shop and I couldn't get the code to work, other than inserting it in to a single product. Gave up in the end.

In 2020 I need working shops for business. Having invested in using Prestashop Store Manager, IQIT Warehouse and HTML Box Pro. Inserting code in to files, generally results in a 500 error. HTML Box Pro allows to insert the code in to ProductDetailFooter (think that was the name, from memory). I can hard code this to a single product and it will display the same graphics for all products. But I just can't get it to use the product manufacturer and sku to display different graphics and text for different products.

I am aware of Smarty, and HTML Box Pro has a SMARTY Template Manager, but I have no idea how to use it, if it is required to get code to work with variable data.


Anyones help would e much appreciated.


Side note. I use Ionos with version installer, but it nearly always results in the website having a 500 error with some database login problem when checking debug. I think if I use browser in private mode, it sometimes works ok. Last version of 1.6 installs fine and never has a 500 issue. I am quite happy to use version 1.6 if anyone can advise how to implement the code.


Big Thanks if anyone knows the answer.


This is the code which would have just been inserted.


There is a modified version available that uses smarty brackets for manufacturer and pn. But this doesn't work either, so I must be missing something. HELP! :)


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>Example Page</title>
      <div id="ccs-logos"></div>
      <div id="ccs-inline-content"></div>
      <div id="ccs-explore-product"></div>
      <div id="ccs-feature-icons"></div>

      <script type='text/javascript'>
      var ccs_cc_args = ccs_cc_args || [];
      // NAME
      ccs_cc_args.push(['cpn', 'CPN']);
      ccs_cc_args.push(['mf', 'MANUFACTURER_NAME']);
      ccs_cc_args.push(['pn', 'MANUFACTURER_PART_NUMBER']);
      ccs_cc_args.push(['upcean', 'UPC_EAN_CODE']);
      ccs_cc_args.push(['ccid', 'CATALOG_CODE']);
      ccs_cc_args.push(['lang', 'LANGUAGE']);
      ccs_cc_args.push(['market', 'MARKET']);
      (function () {
         var o = ccs_cc_args; o.push(['_SKey', '########']); o.push(['_ZoneId', '##########']);
         var sc = document.createElement('script'); sc.type = 'text/javascript'; sc.async = true;
         sc.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://' : 'http://') + 'cdn.cnetcontent.com/jsc/h.js';
         var n = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; n.parentNode.insertBefore(sc, n);

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