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ps_mainmenu subcat covers the main category when mouseon


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hello everyone

i am using ps1.7.6 with ps_mainmenu.

- every cat and subcat are correctly registered and appear properly

but i would like to make the submenu appear -when mouse on- under the cat menu and not on or above the menu.

let's see how it works today :

when mouse is not on cat


if my subcats are in one line , it's above (and covers logo and search button)


and if the subcats are in 2 lines, it covers entirely the menu, logo and search button


i searched in the global.css concerning the .sub_menu and .sub_menu ul but did not succeed in making the sub menu appear under my level1 categories


- In the same time i wanted the categories to be in a kind of 'colored box' instead of simply "written" on white board, but didn't find how to make it


- and finally, i would like to change the 'home button' in this ps_mainmenu into a basic house picture,

do you know where to change it ?


many thanks in advance for your help

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Try adding the below CSS in the following tpl file i.e themes/{Your_theme}/modules/ps_mainmenu/ps_mainmenu.tpl


 .sub-menu  {
   background: red !important;
   top:29 px;

OR add the below lines theme CSS file.

.sub-menu {
          background: red !important;
          top:29 px;


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