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PrestaShop opens wrong links


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Hi All,

I searched for the Topic but couldnt find anything so I try it myself.

I just migrated a PrestaShop from prestashop.night-visions.de to diycon.de/shop. Everything is working fine so far but I have some link issues: the privacy and terms-conditions links that are implemented in the check-out-, create account- and account-process through the official GDPR module. In the module I deposited the link to our privay-cms page or to the TCs-page but the shop redirects me to "?id_cms=6&controller=cms" instead where I finally land at diycon.de. It does the same for the 3 Button links at diycon.de/shop right in the header-image-slider.

EDIT: I just figured out how do change the privacy and TCs links; they are working fine now. But the Buttons in the image slider after the header are still not working :(

Do you know why it does that and what i can do to solve the problem?

Looking forward hearing from you.

Best, Maximo

Edited by mluppert (see edit history)
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