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Maintenance mode won't work

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Hello everybody,

sorry for posting, but cant solve this few weeks. Maintenance mode won't let me see the shop after add my ip.

Yes i know my IP exactly, if i click on "add my ip" it shows ::1 on localhost and in my server it shows server IP which is not my network ip. So i had completely lost, i have enabled geoip everything is set as it should be but nothing, cleared coockies and everything, trying reinstall, hosting through the xamp, wamp. Results were the same.

Prestashop version

Please help with this.


Thank you



Edited by stig_cousine
bad image (see edit history)
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after deep research i have found the problem, the problem was server settings. 

exactly on /usr/local/apache/conf.d/rpaf.conf

<IfModule !mod_rpaf.c>
LoadModule rpaf_module modules/mod_rpaf.so
RPAF_Enable On
RPAF_ProxyIPs xxx.xxx.xx.xxx  <-- (here was faulty server IP address, after changing to correct server address, restart, and everything was fixed)
RPAF_SetHostName On
RPAF_SetPort On
RPAF_ForbidIfNotProxy Off
RPAF_Header X-Forwarded-For


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