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Swap rows in shopping cart


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My shopping cart got all the information I want to have, but the ordre is wrong. 
My ordre now is: 1 Subtotal 2 Delivery 3 Tax 4 item taxfree. I want it to have a more logic way. 
1 Item taxfree 2 Tax 3 Subtotal 4 Delivery.

I can't find where the code is located in my tpl files. I found the location of the complete row, but can't change the ordre individually.
Is there someone who can help me?

It is inside the cart-bottom from ps_shoppingcart.tpl
The rows Total line products, total line shipping and total line tax are the ones I want to change the ordre.
Is that even possible?

Kind regards,

Schermafbeelding 2019-10-21 om 11.39.55.png

Schermafbeelding 2019-10-21 om 11.47.37.png

Edited by HarmPresta (see edit history)
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