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[solved]need help for adding manufacturer link to product.tpl in

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On my Presta 1.3. I included the manufacturer link


Now it is not working anymore, because product.php ist not available anymore in 1.4. versions.

I tried to include the same code from product.php into controllers/ProductController.php

$manufacturer = new Manufacturer($product->id_manufacturer, intval($cookie->id_lang));
   $smarty->assign('manufacturer_link', $link->getManufacturerLink($manufacturer->id, $manufacturer->link_rewrite));

It doesn't work, probably because presta has another smarty version.

Can please somebody help me to adapt the code to make the link work again ?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Nobody can help me ?

3 lenguages (en, es, fr)
Display manufacturer/supplier name and image in product page, with link to manufacturer/supplier page
Can be enable to show name and images, manufacturer and supplier

comments are welcome


This ExtraManufacturer works on 1.4.x

sorry also this one I tried some days ago, but it does not work for me. Many Smarty errors. the Mod is not compatible to Smarty3
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I tried again the module by a new download on RSI page. The Module I donwloaded on weekend was not compatible with 1.4. Now I saw, that on description is specific mentioned the 1.4., so they adapted the code the last days. And it works. Thank you and also to delveloper. It solved my problem.

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