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  1. Mike, Thanks very much for your help. Finding the solution to the login problem was actually the key. I am able to update categories, now. Calista
  2. Mike: The website is: http://www.toleboothartshop.com/ I'm not sure whether this provides some insight or just complicates the matter. But I am now intermittently having problems logging into the administrative control panel, also.
  3. Wouldn't that be a nice simple solution. I cleared the cache when I first encountered the problem. I've looked at this website on 3 different computers and on as many different Browsers. It's not a cache problem. My client is also unable to add categories to the website.
  4. Suddenly I am unable to change categories in any way at all. When I add a category and check that it should displaly, it does not display. It is showing in the back office, but not on the website. When I try deleting an existing category it still displays. When I try changing the order of the categories - no change on the website. In the back office I have 5 categories listed that indicate they should display only the first 3, alphabetically, are displaying. Has anyone encountered this problem with categories?
  5. Thanks Bellini, It's working now. For anyone who does not see all of the modules they are supposed to have in their back office, your configured memory may be a problem. You can correct this problem in your config.inc.php file in the config folder. You may have to add a line something like this: ini_set('memory_limit','160M'); In my file, I added it to line #44. There is a Comment above this line that says something like: /* Improve PHP configuration to prevent issues */ I added line #44 immediately after: ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0); Hope this helps someone.
  6. I can't find this confirmation email module. EXACTLY what is it called? Where is it supposed to be? How to I configure it in the backoffice?
  7. For those of you struggling with PrestaShop's poor documentation about how to set up State Taxes for merchants in the U.S., I hope this will help. It applies to PrestaShop version I'm not positive about other versions. First, if you get freaked out when reading the User Guide about creating new tax rules, ignore that stuff. PrestaShop has created tax rules for each of the states in the U.S. You can use these default rules. The only time you will need to create new, additional rules is if you have specific city, county or other regional taxes or if you need taxes for a group of states (i.e. Arizona, California and Texas). So go into the Payment tab and then the Tax tab. Look down through it and make sure your state is listed and tax enabled. On the bottom of the page enable taxes and you probably want to enable showing them in the cart. Not much else on this page unless you want to go through the whole eco taxes thing with is covered in the user guide. Next click on the Tax Rules tab. Now read carefully. The only thing you have to do here is go down to your state in the list and click to edit only your state (or states). For this example I'm going to edit PA taxes. A new page opens. At the top of that page make sure PA taxes are enabled. Now click on the North America tab, just below that. You will see the United States and a drop down. The drop down will include "No Taxes" and another list of all of the states. By default it probably says "No Taxes". Leave it that way. If you are tempted to click on your own state, in this case PA, then every buyer in the U.S., regardless of their location, will be charged PA tax. As of Feb. 2012 that is not appropriate. All of the drop downs in the North America tab should say "No Taxes". Don't be tempted to make this harder than it is. Now all you have left is in the Catalog tab. Every time you create a new Product, under the Info tab, about half way down the page is an option for "Tax Rule" click on your state in the dropdown menu. That will enable the calculation of taxes for your state, only for residents of your state. Again, as of Feb 2012 that is the way online taxes should be calculated.
  8. tdr170, Your files WORKED. Thanks so much. I apprecieated your careful instructions in the read me file. Also new - at least on my shopping cart, the drop down arrow that allows viewer to expand or collapse the block cart. Nice touch!
  9. I am not using 1.5. I thought those were your instructions regarding using Prestashop SVN to try and fix the problem. I probably misunderstood. I am using Also no need to continue answers about compiling. I figured that out several days ago. I would very much appreciate you zipping your files for me. Is there any other info you need from me? tdr170 - thank you very much for answering questions on this forum.
  10. Good idea tdr170, but it didn't work. In fact, the SVN version of blockcart.tpl is even more messed up. It keeps showing the product twice and no taxes. Someone that knows tpl programming really should be able to figure out the code needed to get the blockcart to add the taxes to the total and show two decimal places.
  11. Hi tdr170, I'm not positive about what the others are trying to accomplish, but as for me - I've set everyhitng up in the admin control panel. That's not the problem. The problem is that since I've upgraded to the new version, taxes are not displaying in the block cart. Dragon 123 is on the right track. With Dragon's code I now have taxes displaying in the block cart. But I have 2 new problems: The tax doesn't get added to the total price ( I believe the variable is 'cart-price-precisions'); and The tax that is displayed does not show the correct number of decimal places for currency, i.e.tax is $12.60 but it is displayed as $12.6 and it is right justified which doesn't line up correctly with the other costs shown in the block cart. See image below. I am modifying the blockcart.tpl file.
  12. How do you even modify tpl files? I modify them in my text editor, upload the revised file using FTP, then no changes. I check "View Source" and nothing's changed. I assumed it's not possible to change tpl files.
  13. I don't know about GoldMaverick, but I upgraded to the most recent version of PrestaShop ( because I was having tax problems with an older version. I didn't help at all. I have set my tax rules, enabled taxes in my cart, and have indicated the tax to be calculted for each of my products. Makes no difference. No tax what so ever shows up in the cart. The word "Tax" doesn't even show up. At least in the older version, Presta pretended to calculate the tax; even though it was wrong. See image of cart:
  14. Jhnstcks: Thanks for the suggestion. But the response below that you pointed me to isn't going to do it. My {$HOOK_PRODUCT_FOOTER} is already immediately above Customizable products. "Simply move {$HOOK_PRODUCT_FOOTER} on line 326 of product.tpl down to just before the <!-- Customizable products --> on line 390." The problem seems to be that everything in the left column is parsing right in the center of the page. Columns aren't parsing. In all fairness, I'm not using the default theme I'm trying to use Velvet Sky from Smashing Magazine. It's supposed to have right and left columns, but not parsing. Modifying the tpl file is over my head. Thanks to everyone who gave suggestions.
  15. Can someone explain how to position modules on the Products Pages? My actual product information is parsing way down at the bottom of the content area, below: categories block, previewed products block, and some other block I can't even identify. I don't want to have to disable those modules/blocks but they shouldn't parse right up at the top of the content area. People coming to the page have to scroll down (if the bother) to see the product info.
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