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Installed the Prestashop promoted 'Mobile theme' (newsletter #148) - Result: Site Down!

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1. I received a Prestashop Newsletter #148 yesterday ("Grow your online business") that promoted this Prestashop Certified free mobile theme:



2. I first tried to install it as a theme, but that didn't work after uploading the zip file as a theme in my back office. I emailed the Addons theme, and got this reply:




The mobile theme appears only on mobile rather than on computers, so if you fear a loss of your old theme does not worry about it, it will always be present.


For this theme you need to install Paypal 3.2 if that does not work, and the mobile theme is installed as a module and not as a theme.


Thank you for your understanding.





Customer Service - PrestaShop






3. So, I followed this instruction in the email: "the mobile theme is installed as a module and not as a theme". We thus uploaded the theme as a module and the next page was a blank one.... :-(


RESULT: Our site is completely down, we can't access the back office nor the front office.


When accessing the URL is says: HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error)


Could anyone PLEASE help us out here? We worked days/weeks to create our shop...



Edited by auctionduke (see edit history)
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I replicated the problem - but still the same issue. What I did:


I installed the 'mobile theme' zip file as a module in a different, brand new installed Prestashop on another domain name:


1. When the this new shop was freshly installed: all was working fine, both front end and back end.

2. I then installed the mobile_theme.zip as a module, upload fine, but when clicked on 'Install', we get same problem: right a way, the site is completely blank (both the back office and front office are no longer accessible / gone / white pages): HTTP Error 500 (Internal Server Error)


As to insufficient php memory as a potential cause: not the case. Memory is high/unlimited bandwidth.


Thanks for helping out... hope we can get this fixed.

Edited by auctionduke (see edit history)
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Anyone who can help out here?


We can no longer access both the back and front office following the install of this module...


Only access is FTP.


How do we restore our site? Modules can only be uninstalled through the back office, but that is longer available to us.


I would like to uninstall the module that caused the problem.


Thanks for your help.

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FYI - the error log says:


Sat Sep 15 00:10:02 2012] [warn] RSA server certificate CommonName (CN) `localhost' does NOT match server name!?


PS: also found this topic on the forum (it talks about "outdated php code in one of the modules" that brought the solution back then/Feb 2012): http://goo.gl/C9b4G


Any help would be welcome!

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So, managed to fix it:


1. In config/config.inc.php I had to delete this code at the very end:


<?php /* PrestaShop Mobile */ if (file_exists(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'mobile_theme/mobile.config.inc.php')) include(_PS_MODULE_DIR_.'mobile_theme/mobile.config.inc.php');?>


2. In config/settings.inc.php I had to delete this code as well:


/* PrestaShop Mobile */ if ((isset($_GET['ps_mobile_site']) && $_GET['ps_mobile_site'] == 1) || !isset($_GET['ps_full_site']) || (!isset($_GET['ps_full_site']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] == 'm.www.NAMEOFTHESITE.COM')) { include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../modules/mobile_theme/Mobile_Detect.php'); $mobile_detect = new Mobile_Detect(); define('_PS_MOBILE_TABLET_', (int)$mobile_detect->isTablet()); define('_PS_MOBILE_PHONE_', isset($_GET['ps_mobile_site']) ? 1 : (int)$mobile_detect->isMobile()); } else { define('_PS_MOBILE_TABLET_', 0); define('_PS_MOBILE_PHONE_', 0); } define('_PS_MOBILE_', _PS_MOBILE_PHONE_ || _PS_MOBILE_TABLET_); if (_PS_MOBILE_) define('_THEME_NAME_', 'prestashop_mobile'); else


Pff... happy the shop is live again.

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i installed today the Prestashop Mobile Theme Module v0.3.6 as well today and

everything is working great (great job guys). I just noticed one bug :

If you switch from the mobile version to the classic version via the link at the footer the website nicely shows the normal format. However if you like to switch back to the mobile version via the footer link a blank google page shows up. Anyone can suggest a fix to this bug. I use a samsung galaxy 2 phone.

Can anyone check it out and let me know

here is the website http://www.stylehaircare.com

thanks in advance, Sunantha :-)

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