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    Costa Rica
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  1. Genial, pero mas bien lo que necesito recibir como parametro numerico es el id del feature no del producto, donde feature no es attribute o combination. Gracias.
  2. Hola Hackers! Estoy haciendo un servicio para obtener todos los productos y devolverlos en formato JSON, estoy reutilizando mucho de la funcionalidad de Product y NewProducts controller, he logrado devolver el resultado paginado o por pagina. Todo hasta aca muy bien, ahora necesito devolver todos los productos que se encuentran bajo la caracteristica/feature masculino de Genero o bajo la caracteristica/feature femenina de Genero. Y estoy bien perdido, agradeceria mucho alguna pista sobre las tablas o joins necesarios para lograr esta consulta al menos en el CLI de MySQL. El feature llegaria como un campo numerico al servicio. Que esten muy bien!
  3. Hello Hackers! I am developing a change product feature, so if any user is on a single product page he or she will be able to change the product without leaving the current page. I was able to override the ProductController.php to achieve that, also I was able to create a new theme page: product-switch-list.tpl which is successfully using the PS pagination, and everything is working cool, the user leaves the current product only and only if he or she clicks on any product from the switch product area inside the custom current single product page. Now I am trying to include/add three filters inside that product switch area: Gender, Size and Color and I was wondering if it is possible to include the blocklayered.tpl in my custom theme page named: product-switch-list.tpl? Thanks in advance!
  4. Hi PrestaShop hackers! This week i have been playing a lot with the import features that PrestaShop provides, super useful. But I was wondering, there exist an easy way to add the hexadecimal value for a color within the combinations_import.csv file? Currently, all the combinations from my testing side are imported right, but without the hexadecimal color value. Thanks for your time and happy hacking!
  5. Hi Guys! I was wondering, there exist an easy way to add and import hexadecimal colors in product combinations from a CSV file? Thanks for your help!
  6. Hi Everybody! Our scenario is: We are looking the best way to add an input field on the frontend page of each product. Then customers will be able to fill this URL input field on any product available. Also, we need to display that URL on the customer cart. Our question is: Do we have to alter any core table to store this URL input field for each product or do we have to create a new custom table and establish the requiered relationships or there exist a better approach to achieve that? Thanks in advance for any help you are able to provide! Good luck!
  7. Hi Everybody! I just debug the $params var, and just for documentation purposes: What exactly stores this variable? Thanks in advance!
  8. For this to work, your directory structure should be (Using PrestaShop 1.6): -- mymodule.php -- views ---- templates ------ hook ------ displayFooBarTemplate.tpl -------- inc ---------- foo.tpl ---------- bar.tpl **Absolute way:** From your main module file: protected function displayFooBarTemplate() { global $smarty; ... $smarty->assign('module_templates', dirname(__FILE__).'/views/templates/'); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'displayFooBarTemplate.tpl'); } then in your tpl file (displayFooBarTemplate.tpl): {include file="{$module_templates}hook/inc/modal/foo.tpl"} {include file="{$module_templates}hook/inc/modal/bar.tpl"} **Relative way (my favorite):** {include './inc/foo.tpl'} {include './inc/modal/bar.tpl'}
  9. Hi Vekia! No, there are no related errors in advanced->log, neither in apache error.log for the vhost. Thanks!
  10. Hi Everybody! Under CentOs 6.5 and using php55 remi with PrestaShop 1.6 we are having problems when we try to export a theme or a module. I just double checked PS folder permissions and the php zip module installation. When we try to export a theme: An error occurred during the archive generation Any help is welcome. Thanks in advance.
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