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  1. Hi Codemayday, Tthank you for your feedback.
  2. May I ask you to give some feedback on my recruiting platform http://jobsdom.lu ? Best regards.
  3. Ps : Votre favicon n'est pas encore personnalisé.
  4. Bonjour , je partage les avis et analyses des autres membres. Vos bocaux semblent avoir tous la même couleur, terne. Un problème de qualité de photo sans doute, comparé à la photo de votre fournisseur de vinaigre. Avez-vous jeté un coup d'oeil sur les thèmes proposés par Prestashop ? Courage et vive la gastronomie !
  5. Pourrais-je avoir votre avis sur le premier jet de ma plateforme de recrutement http://jobsdom.lu ? Bien à vous . Frugalis
  6. Bonjour, Ce serait pro que le message "contactez-nous" revoie vers l'url de contact de votre site ! A moins que !
  7. It's a super idea. I'm in the stage of self training to the bootstrap framekork. We look forward to viewing the template. Kind regards
  8. Hi Sarole, thank you for your kind answer and the template. For the minilist, I'm expecting a presentation like the product list in the backoffice. I 'm working on. Best regards
  9. Hi all, I'm happy for our team work. We can summarize the steps for adapting Grid/List/Mini views to Prestashop 1.6.xx as follow. Files to edit : global.css : definition of icons product-list.css : Adding a responsive paragraph for the mini-list view product-sort.tpl : calling icons global.js : switching control Could anyone share his CSS file ? We will then build a complete tutorial. Kind regards !
  10. Hi Sarole ! You got him. It's working now !!! Using firebug, i noticed what was wrong. - No need to change something in the product-list.tpl file. - I modified two functions inside the /themes/mytheme/js/global.js JS file : function bindGrid() & function display(view) . Changes in blue function bindGrid() { var view = $.totalStorage('display'); if (!view && (typeof displayList != 'undefined') && displayList) view = 'list'; if (!view && (typeof displayList != 'undefined') && view != 'list') view = 'mini'; if (view && view != 'grid') display(view); else $('.display').find('li#grid').addClass('selected'); $(document).on('click', '#grid', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); display('grid'); }); $(document).on('click', '#list', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); display('list'); }); $(document).on('click', '#mini', function(e){ e.preventDefault(); display('mini'); }); } function display(view) { if (view == 'list') { $('ul.product_list').removeClass('grid').removeClass('mini').addClass('list row'); $('.product_list > li').removeClass('col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4').addClass('col-xs-12'); $('.product_list > li').each(function(index, element) { html = ''; html = '<div class="product-container"><div class="row">'; html += '<div class="left-block col-xs-4 col-xs-5 col-md-4">' + $(element).find('.left-block').html() + '</div>'; html += '<div class="center-block col-xs-4 col-xs-7 col-md-4">'; html += '<div class="product-flags">'+ $(element).find('.product-flags').html() + '</div>'; html += '<h5 itemprop="name">'+ $(element).find('h5').html() + '</h5>'; var rating = $(element).find('.comments_note').html(); // check : rating if (rating != null) { html += '<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating" class="comments_note">'+ rating + '</div>'; } html += '<p class="product-desc">'+ $(element).find('.product-desc').html() + '</p>'; var colorList = $(element).find('.color-list-container').html(); if (colorList != null) { html += '<div class="color-list-container">'+ colorList +'</div>'; } var availability = $(element).find('.availability').html(); // check : catalog mode is enabled if (availability != null) { html += '<span class="availability">'+ availability +'</span>'; } html += '</div>'; html += '<div class="right-block col-xs-4 col-xs-12 col-md-4"><div class="right-block-content row">'; var price = $(element).find('.content_price').html(); // check : catalog mode is enabled if (price != null) { html += '<div class="content_price col-xs-5 col-md-12">'+ price + '</div>'; } html += '<div class="button-container col-xs-7 col-md-12">'+ $(element).find('.button-container').html() +'</div>'; html += '<div class="functional-buttons clearfix col-sm-12">' + $(element).find('.functional-buttons').html() + '</div>'; html += '</div>'; html += '</div></div>'; $(element).html(html); }); $('.display').find('li#list').addClass('selected'); $('.display').find('li#mini').removeAttr('class'); $('.display').find('li#grid').removeAttr('class'); $.totalStorage('display', 'list'); } else if (view == 'mini') { $('ul.product_list').removeClass('grid').removeClass('list').addClass('mini row'); $('.product_list > li').removeClass('col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4').addClass('col-xs-12'); $('.product_list > li').each(function(index, element) { html = ''; html = '<div class="product-container"><div class="row">'; html += '<div class="left-block col-xs-4 col-xs-5 col-md-4">' + $(element).find('.left-block').html() + '</div>'; html += '<div class="center-block col-xs-4 col-xs-7 col-md-4">'; html += '<div class="product-flags">'+ $(element).find('.product-flags').html() + '</div>'; html += '<h5 itemprop="name">'+ $(element).find('h5').html() + '</h5>'; var rating = $(element).find('.comments_note').html(); // check : rating if (rating != null) { html += '<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating" class="comments_note">'+ rating + '</div>'; } html += '<p class="product-desc">'+ $(element).find('.product-desc').html() + '</p>'; var colorList = $(element).find('.color-list-container').html(); if (colorList != null) { html += '<div class="color-list-container">'+ colorList +'</div>'; } var availability = $(element).find('.availability').html(); // check : catalog mode is enabled if (availability != null) { html += '<span class="availability">'+ availability +'</span>'; } html += '</div>'; html += '<div class="right-block col-xs-4 col-xs-12 col-md-4"><div class="right-block-content row">'; var price = $(element).find('.content_price').html(); // check : catalog mode is enabled if (price != null) { html += '<div class="content_price col-xs-5 col-md-12">'+ price + '</div>'; } html += '<div class="button-container col-xs-7 col-md-12">'+ $(element).find('.button-container').html() +'</div>'; html += '<div class="functional-buttons clearfix col-sm-12">' + $(element).find('.functional-buttons').html() + '</div>'; html += '</div>'; html += '</div></div>'; $(element).html(html); }); $('.display').find('li#mini').addClass('selected'); $('.display').find('li#list').removeAttr('class'); $('.display').find('li#grid').removeAttr('class'); $.totalStorage('display', 'mini'); } else { $('ul.product_list').removeClass('list').removeClass('mini').addClass('grid row'); $('.product_list > li').removeClass('col-xs-12').addClass('col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-4'); $('.product_list > li').each(function(index, element) { html = ''; html += '<div class="product-container">'; html += '<div class="left-block">' + $(element).find('.left-block').html() + '</div>'; html += '<div class="right-block">'; html += '<div class="product-flags">'+ $(element).find('.product-flags').html() + '</div>'; html += '<h5 itemprop="name">'+ $(element).find('h5').html() + '</h5>'; var rating = $(element).find('.comments_note').html(); // check : rating if (rating != null) { html += '<div itemprop="aggregateRating" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/AggregateRating" class="comments_note">'+ rating + '</div>'; } html += '<p itemprop="description" class="product-desc">'+ $(element).find('.product-desc').html() + '</p>'; var price = $(element).find('.content_price').html(); // check : catalog mode is enabled if (price != null) { html += '<div class="content_price">'+ price + '</div>'; } html += '<div itemprop="offers" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Offer" class="button-container">'+ $(element).find('.button-container').html() +'</div>'; var colorList = $(element).find('.color-list-container').html(); if (colorList != null) { html += '<div class="color-list-container">'+ colorList +'</div>'; } var availability = $(element).find('.availability').html(); // check : catalog mode is enabled if (availability != null) { html += '<span class="availability">'+ availability +'</span>'; } html += '</div>'; html += '<div class="functional-buttons clearfix">' + $(element).find('.functional-buttons').html() + '</div>'; html += '</div>'; $(element).html(html); }); $('.display').find('li#grid').addClass('selected'); $('.display').find('li#list').removeAttr('class'); $('.display').find('li#mini').removeAttr('class'); $.totalStorage('display', 'grid'); } } I still have to work on my CSS presentation and will welcome a mini-list sample. Anyway, I'm so happy that mini-list is working after all. You can have a look at my sandbox website http://jobsdoma.com or http://jobsdoma.fr Let's go on testing. A great thank to the team for all contributions. Regards
  11. I'm very pleased to read from you. What about posting the topic on the french forum ? Après tout c'est chez nous.
  12. Hello Gaëtan, I give up digging the mini-list : the case 1, using a new template file is not satisfactory for me. In case2 allocating an additional value to the config parameter 'PS_GRID_PRODUCT' . The field is a text type which can be 0,1,2, etc .... I tried, but I'm not good enough at programming to spend more time. I will simply replace the normal list by a mini one by modifying the product-list CSS file. PS1.6.10 managing the display with cookies is probably the solution. We have to understand first the process. Kind regards
  13. Hello Gaëtan, a bit busy, I haven't yet started the testing. Surely before the end of this week. Best regards !
  14. We will not sort out the minilist just with a custom CSS file. I noticed that Prestashop 1.6 sets the product listing with a boolean config parameter : 'PS_GRID_PRODUCT' using the themeconfigurator module. The admin panel gives the possibility to activate or not the GRID product listing. The grid status is checked inside product-list.tpl by the following instruction <ul{if isset($id) && $id} id="{$id}"{/if} class="product_list grid row{if isset($class) && $class} {$class}{/if}"> In my opinion, one of the way to add minilist is to change the boolean variable to an enum type which will accept more than 2 cases. The faster way is to use a new template file as recommanded by Vekia in the topic http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/362777-different-layout-for-different-products/ : Template file is called by ProductController.php located in /controllers/front/ directory if ($this->product->id==5){ $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'theme-file-for-product-with-id-5.tpl'); } else { $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'product.tpl'); } I will test the two cases.
  15. Your are right !. It's good to work in team. Now we have just to create a responsive minilist. Let's go !
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