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    ITALY - Cividale del Friuli
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Community Answers

  1. Quick update for anyone struggling with this issue. Just contacted the theme developer and he said to me: Prestashop changed localization of css file in new version. Fix is very easy. - go to your FTP and move css file FROM: - /themes/theme-name/css/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.css TO - /themes/theme-name/css/modules/homefeatured/css/homefeatured.css That fixed my issue.
  2. Hi there, just updated featured products module but the the basic information for each product (price, add to cart button, product name) doesn't show up. Here's a link to the site: www.lineaflexmaterassi.com Any ideas? Thanks
  3. Hi there, I succesfully installed a local copy of the online site with xampp; I'm running and I'd like to upgrade my local copy; Using 1 click upgrade all checks are green but the system can't retrieve "Latest official version for major channel": the field is blank and I have no button to click... Any ideas? Marco
  4. ciao, fai un tentativo, prova a rinominare la cartella del modulo che non funziona (nel folder modules) via ftp: da "nome-modulo" a "nome-modulo-OLD" Poi accedi di nuovo al control panel e clicca su moduli: se adesso tutto funziona significa che quel modulo in particolare ha un problema...
  5. Hi there, trying to create a clone of an online store, I tought it was easier... I followed this tutorial (thanks Benjamin) http://www.prestashop.com/blog/en/set-up-a-test-server-for-your-online-store/ with some slight modifications: when I created the new db I couldn't import the old one, so from the old one I exported all the tables and then imported them back again in the new db. Next: changed the url in table ps_shop_url, plus in ps_configuration table changed PS_SHOP_DOMAIN and PS_SHOP_DOMAIN_SSL as suggested in this article. I also did the modifications in in config/settings.inc.php as Benjamin said. Unfortunately, loading my subdomain I'm redirected to another url (e.g. http://sub.mysite.com/admin/index.php?controller=AdminLogin&token=fac08e207f21a99be0371b693882aa91) with this page: [PrestaShopException]No access reference in table module_access for id_module 87. at line 2190 in file classes/module/Module.php 2184. self::$cache_permissions[$employee->id_profile][$row['id_module']]['configure'] = $row['configure'];2185. }2186. }2187. 2188. if (!isset(self::$cache_permissions[$employee->id_profile][$id_module]))2189. throw new PrestaShopException('No access reference in table module_access for id_module '.$id_module.'.');2190. 2191. return (bool)self::$cache_permissions[$employee->id_profile][$id_module][$variable];2192. }2193. 2194. /** What am I doing wrong? Thanks Marco
  6. Ciao Nina, se il problema non è il browser, allora forse è il caso di aggiornare prestashop all'ultima versione. Se neanche questo aiuta (o hai già l'ultima versione) allora segnala il problema al team prestashop! Mi dispiace, ma non dispongo di altre soluzioni... Marco
  7. Salve a tutti, il corriere SDA (come penso molti altri) fornisce dei servizi aggiuntivi, per esempio: consegna al sabato (+ 12,50 euro) consegna al piano (+ 12,50 euro) consegna di sera, ecc. La soluzione più rapida che mi viene in mente è quella di creare diversi corrieri, aggiungendo i costi extra al costo base di spedizione. Sarà poi l'utente in fase di checkout a scegliere il servizio che più gli interessa. Ma come fare a rendere, ad esempio, le opzioni abbinabili? (poniamo che un cliente voglia la consegna al sabato sera e al piano...) Qualcuno di voi ha mai utilizzato questo modulo? In alternativa, come vi comportate con i vostri shop? Marco
  8. Hi Fashionist, I think you can't add custom links to a category block; if you need to add links to other pages you should check CMS Block module, if you need to add links to other sites: Link Block module. Also, check out this useful article: https://www.hostknox.com/clients/knowledgebase/355/How-to-exclude-module-blocks-from-particular-pages-in-PrestaShop.html
  9. Naldinho, I'm speachless...thanks a lot for sharing this. Your suggestions saved my life! (and my e-commerce). Marco
  10. Naldinho, thanks a lot for your reply! Simple and effective solution, and most of all it works like a charm! You're right, for a few combinations you can edit records manually. But, as you may think, I tried to simplify in my previous post. I have 40 different sizes (80, 90, 100..etc) and 4 different materials, for a basic example, let's call them 1)wood, 2)silver 3)gold 4)platinum. The basic price for a wooden item is 300. For other materials the basic price is the same for all three: 378 If a user chooses a different size for the wood option there's a price increase (size 90 = + 5 euro --- size 100 = + 7 euro) while If a user chooses a different size for the others materials, there's another price increase - the same for silver, gold and platinum (size 90 = + 9 euro --- size 100 = + 15 euro, etc) So, in this case, I think your second approach would better fit. Could you please explain the more advanced way you're currently using? Marco
  11. Hi, I'm trying to achieve this: I have two attributes, material (silver, gold) and size (80, 90, 100) Changing the material attribute would impact on price for every size range. It's easy to say, but not easy to do (for me, at least...) how can it be done? ...thanks!
  12. @kokosmin I tested on both installations ( and and I can confirm it worked for me...but I was dealing with impact on price in combination generator mode. You could also check under settings > general > rounding...
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