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  1. Hello. I dont undestand one thing, the modules can be activated for tablet, mobile or desktop, somehow that checking occurs before content is served.
  2. thankyou. so I can make it just php and hook it somewhere in the backoffice? do I need to make a module?
  3. don´t have any clue on how to make it with smarty and in prestashop context I have: - Table in DB - I managed to show the DB table on myaccount.tpl for each user (table is a tracking of services offered) I need a starting point.
  4. Hello, this works: global $smarty; $userid = $this->context->customer->id; $eventos = Db::getInstance()->executeS("SELECT * FROM pss_eventos WHERE id_cliente=$userid"); $this->context->smarty->assign('eventos', $eventos); Thankyou, My last problem is the manager I want to create.
  5. The idea is a tab in the admin interface with a view of the table, (that is already working) and input fields and add button, to add more rows to that table... Any idea? Ive already spent a lot of hours googling this.... thankyou
  6. global $smarty; $userid = $this->context->customer->id; $eventos = Db::getInstance()->executeS("SELECT * FROM pss_ev WHERE id_cliente=$userid"); $this->context->smarty->assign('ev', $ev);
  7. so far, now I can see the values, but want to filter it a little bit: I want to insert the customer ID into the SQL query with WHERE. How could I use the customer ID variable of Prestashop here to make this work and only show the user his rows?: $eventos = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT * FROM `pss_tabla` WHERE id_cliente= customer_id }');
  8. I found this: $insertData = array( 'app_id' => 1, 'app_name' => 'google plus', 'status' => 0, 'title' => 'google title' ); Db::getInstance()->insert("your table name", $insertData); So this would be possible only in the frontoffice? Should I make a page only for admin for that?
  9. thankyou but I need my client to have a backoffice feature to add data....
  10. Hello Im stucked on a problem related with this... Can anyone help me? I want to insert the customer ID into the SQL query with WHERE. How could I use the customer ID variable of Prestashop here to make this work and only show the user his rows?: $eventos = Db::getInstance()->executeS('SELECT * FROM `pss_tabla` WHERE id_cliente= customer_id }');
  11. Hello, Do you know a way to add data from DB manager to database? Im looking for a way of inserting data to a custom table in the database from the backoffice.
  12. Hello, Do you know a way to add data from DB manager to database? Im looking for a way of inserting data to a custom table in the database from the backoffice.
  13. Solucionado aquí: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/326265-how-to-show-a-database-table-created-by-me-in-a-module
  14. Ready Its working Now it but the correct foreach is (using $ for $eventos behind from=): <div class="row"> <h2>Seguimiento de servicios</h2> <table class="table stripped" border="0" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="5"> {foreach from=$eventos key=key item=acc } <tr> <td align="left">{$acc['id_accion']}</td> <td align="left">{$acc['id_cliente']}</td> <td align="justify">{$acc['desc_accion']}</td> <td align="center">{$acc['fecha_hora']}</td> <td align="center">{$acc['notas']}</td> </tr> {foreachelse} <p>No hay acciones</p> {/foreach} </table> </div> Thankyou for the great help! Now I need to make the SQL table editable from back office and filter by user!
  15. Hi than you very much! Your solution does not work though, it shows now a white page... its not Not becouse you writte SELCET instead of SELECT, i fixed that...) It is a problem with the php part, couse If I delete it it shows again the content,
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