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Instituto IFIC

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  1. Hello, I'm still a newbie in Prestashop development so I would really appreciate some help with an issue I'm facing. I'm using a module that adds a button with a popup contact form in the product page, so that the user can ask for more information. This module gets the product's information (title, url..) plus the user's data from the form and sends an email to the administrator. (example http://www.ific.es/curso-online-de-coaching-personal) I would like to add this button in the product-list.tpl as well, let's say here http://www.ific.es/cursos-online replacing the add to cart button. So far, I've managed to add the button, open the popup and send the email BUT only with the user's data. I need to add each product's information as well in the email. This is the hook that the original module used in order to get the product's information: public function hookDisplayRightColumnProduct { $product = $this->context->controller->getProduct(); $image = Product::getCover((int)Tools::getValue('id_product')); $cover_image = $this->context->link->getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $image['id_image'], 'medium_default'); $phone = ''; $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'logged' => $this->context->customer->isLogged(true), 'product' => $product, 'customer_company' => ($this->context->customer->company ? $this->context->customer->company : ''), 'customer_email' => ($this->context->customer->email ? $this->context->customer->email : ''), 'customer_phone' => $phone, 'productmessage_cover_image' => $cover_image, 'mediumSize' => Image::getSize(ImageType::getFormatedName('medium')), 'controller' => 'index.php?fc=module&module=contactcategories&controller=contact&ajax&action=contactform' )); return $this->display(__FILE__, 'contactcategories.tpl'); } But this doesn't work when it comes to my modified module. I suppose there is a different way to get the product's data than this $product = $this->context->controller->getProduct(); ? Any help would be great! I hope I've explained myself clearly, if not please ask for clarifications. Thanks!!
  2. Buenas tardes, Tengo un problema de codificación cuando uso el módulo de pago de RedSys, cuando el nombre del producto contiene acentos o ñ sale con caracteres raros en la plataforma de RedSys. No sé si es un problema de codificación de los archivos del módulo o algún ajuste de RedSys.. Alguien más ha tenido el mismo problema?
  3. Tengo el mismo problema (http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/257052-problema-con-el-modulo-redsys-no-genera-pedido-pero-cobra/?p=1280187) pero no tengo ssl en mi tienda.. ¿cuál podría ser la solución? Gracias, Thalia
  4. Hello, I'm using the following payment module with PS http://www.redsys.es/wps/wcm/connect/redsys/3e852424-9f3b-4a7d-910f-26d45bf3144d/modulo_pago_redsys-prestashop_1.6.0.5.zip?MOD=AJPERES Although it connects to the bank interface and the payment is completed successfully, when it redirects back to my shop there is no order created nor email confirmation sent. What could be the problem? Thank you in advance, Thalia
  5. In the end I contacted the developer of the theme I'm using and he fixed it for me. Sorry I cannot help more. Good luck!
  6. Hello, All of my products are virtual (online courses). But there is also the option to have a pack of 3-4 virtual products with a special price. The problem is that although the shipping methods are disabled for any virtual products, it doesn't work the same way when someone wants to buy a pack. I want to completely disable the shipping methods when a pack is chosen. I suppose I would have to edit the php file which checks if the products are virtual in order to show or not the shipping methods. Could anyone help me out? Thanks in advance.
  7. Hola, Tengo unos productos en un pack y como predeterminado aparecen en vertical. Me gustaría que aparezcan en horizontal. Alguien me podría ayudar? Adjunto unas imagenes para explicarme mejor. Gracias de antemano.
  8. Hello, I have a pack of products. As a default the products of the pack appear in a vertical way but I would like them to appear in the same line, horizontally. Could anyone help me out? I attach a couple of pictures to explain myself better. Thanks in advance.
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