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  1. @ComGrafPL thanks for the reply. The folder var is already there and inside the var folder logs and cache folder are there. The permission is also set to 777. But still, I am getting the same issue.
  2. Hello Everyone, I am trying to install Prestashop 8.1.5 on my local XAMPP setup. After the first screen, I am stuck. I have enabled the dev mode and I can see the error. I have attached a screenshot for your reference. So can someone please let me know how to fix this and how can I install Prestashop on my system?
  3. Hello, I am creating a custom module where I want the user details when they make register on the store. So to achieve that I am using actionCustomerAccountAdd hook. This hook is firing on Prestashop 1.6 but not firing in Prestashop 1.7 Here is my sample code for the custom plugin <?php if (!defined('_PS_VERSION_')) { exit; } class Hellouser extends Module { protected $config_form = false; public function __construct() { $this->name = 'hellouser'; $this->tab = 'other'; $this->version = '1.0.0'; $this->author = 'test'; $this->need_instance = 0; $this->module_key = ''; parent::__construct(); $this->bootstrap = 'true'; $this->displayName = $this->l('Hello User'); $this->description = $this->l('Sample Plugin'); $this->confirmUninstall = $this->l('Are you sure you want to uninstall this?'); $this->ps_versions_compliancy = array('min' => '1.6', 'max' => _PS_VERSION_); $this->js_path = $this->_path.'views/js/'; $this->css_path = $this->_path.'views/css/'; $this->img_path = $this->_path.'views/img/'; $this->logo_path = $this->_path.'logo.png'; $this->module_path = $this->_path; } public function install() { if (!parent::install() || !$this->registerHook( array('actionCustomerAccountAdd'))) return false; } public function uninstall() { return parent::uninstall(); } public function hookActionCustomerAccountAdd($params) { print_r($params); exit; } } So can someone please tell me whats the issue here?
  4. Hi, I have installed Prestashop 1.7 on my system . I have enabled enable stock management option but still I can't see stock management option. So is that feature removed from 1.7 or what? Should I make some other changes to see that? Any suggestion and help will be really appreciable. Regards
  5. I am creating a custom module in Prestashop. In that module I want to get the order details when a new order has been made on the store. So I want to know which hook should I use and how to get new order details along with customer details when a new order has been made. Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable.
  6. I am developing a custom module in Prestashop. In that module I want to show my custom saved values like the table order. So basically the table should have header part and in that header part there would input fields to search the record for the corresponding data header. So the module custom page header should show like this reference image So can some one tell me how to do this in a custom module? Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable. Thanks
  7. thanks for the reply. I have tried that, I have used getProducts() function from Product class but still I am not getting values like product image, still getting error like Notice: Undefined index: price_tax_exc in /var/www/Prestashop/cache/smarty/compile/92/c5/39/92c53991fb98f787f26965c3dc699a52afa4a4f9.file.product-list.tpl.php on line 131 Notice: Undefined index: id_product_attribute in /var/www/Prestashop/cache/smarty/compile/92/c5/39/92c53991fb98f787f26965c3dc699a52afa4a4f9.file.product-list.tpl.php on line 245 Notice: Undefined index: allow_oosp in /var/www/Prestashop/cache/smarty/compile/92/c5/39/92c53991fb98f787f26965c3dc699a52afa4a4f9.file.product-list.tpl.php on line 246 So can you tell me how to solve this?
  8. I want to display all of the data of the products just like the product loop page. For that I have an array of products id. The code s like this $id_lang=Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); $id_products = array(2,3,4,6,7); $all_products = array(); foreach ($id_products as $id_product ) { $product_id = $id_product['id_product']; $link = new Link(); $image = Image::getCover($product_id); $url = $link->getProductLink($product_id); $product = new Product($product_id); $imagePath = Link::getImageLink($product->link_rewrite, $image['id_image'], 'home_default'); array_push($all_products, $product); } $this->context->smarty->assign( array( 'all_products' => $all_products, 'lang_id' => $id_lang, 'url' => $url, ) ); and in the smarty I have done my code like this <ul> <!-- {$all_products|@print_r} --> {foreach from=$all_products item=product name=product} <li class="col-xs-12 col-sm-4 col-md-3 first-in-line"> <div class="product-container" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Product"> <div class="left-block"> <div class="product-image-container"> <a class="product_img_link" href="{$url}" title="{$product->name|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" itemprop="url"> <img class="replace-2x img-responsive" src="" > </a> </div> </div> </div> {/foreach} </ul> Here in the smarty I have done copy and paste `product-list.tpl` files code as I want my custom loop should look exactly like that but it is showing many errors. So can someone kindly tell me how can I get the exactly look of the product list page with products id? Any help and suggestions will be really appreciable. Thanks
  9. I think passing the value from js to php is a good option in ajax. But here I want to access php value in js. For that what will be the good option?
  10. I am creating a custom module. In that module I want to use my php variable inside the js file. How can I access the value in js file. I don't want to pass the variable to smarty file. The js file is hooked in the header. So can someone tell me how to pass the php value to external js file which is hooked in the header? Any help and suggestion will be really appreciable. Thanks
  11. Hi directonlinekitchens, Can you let me know what you are looking for exactly? I can make a custom module for you after getting your exact requirement
  12. Is there any kind of function that can be used to logout user programmatically? Also I want to redirect user to a custom url so is there any kind of core function for that is available?
  13. Hi, I am creating a custom module. In that module I have a list of all category name in the left block. So when I will click on the any category name then it should show all the products from that category in the main page. I mean it should replace the default products from the page and should show all the products from that category. So here I am confused how I can override my custom tpl file (where all the products from that clicked category) on the default products page? Here I have planned to get all the products in ajax.
  14. Hi, I have developed a module. I have submitted the module in addons store. But after 7-8 days I got the marketing validation issue and in the email I got the cause for it was like your keywords have to be in one word each, please modify them I have again corrected the keywords and again resubmit the module but it again got declined with the same email your keywords have to be in one word each, please modify them . So can someone tell me how to resolve this? How to use proper keywords for that? .
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