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  1. This one is the only solution works for me. The previous solution using changeIdOrderState function didn't work for me. The function only change $order->current_state and not changing $order->id_order_state.
  2. di kisaran Anda mengeset < 1 Kg. padahal berat barang 1 Kg. ya nggak masuk... kalo kisaran diset <= 1 Kg ya baru masuk. biasanya di kisaran itu dimasukkan nilai yg sangat besar misalnya < 9999999999999 Kg
  3. Finally I can solve the problem after digging in the code. place this inside controllers/front/OrderController.php within function init() if ($orders = Order::getCustomerOrders($this->context->customer->id)) { $statuses=array(1,8,10,11); //ids of the statuses that should be resolved before the customer can add another order. foreach ($orders as &$order) { if (in_array($order['id_order_state'],$statuses)) { if ($order['reference']) $this->errors[] = sprintf( Tools::displayError('You must pay order with the reference %s to place a new order. You can also ask our Customer Service to cancel the order so you can place a new order.'),$order['reference']); else $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('You must pay your previous order to place a new order. You can also ask our Customer Service to cancel the order so you can place a new order.'); break; } } } of course we can make this patch as overrides. hope this help someone else
  4. I have this problem: A customer place order multiple times before the customer pay the previous order(s), then the customer ultimately pay only one order. Thus i have lots of abandoned orders (about one out of ten orders). This is a problem because i have only limited stock. Some products marked as out of stock are actually in stock but held by orders that eventually abandoned. what i want is a customer can't place any more order before the customer pay for the previous order. The customer must pay the previous order (status: payment accepted) or ask the admin to cancel the previous order (status: canceled ) so the customer can place another order. It would be nice if this is a feature of prestashop. thanks for any help
  5. Selain itu .. (masih di terjemahan mail): You have received a new message from {shop_name} regarding your order with the reference {order_name}. diterjemahkan jadi Anda menerima pesan baru dari {shop_name} terkait pembelian no #{id_order}. jadi kacau deh. pelanggan tanya: "kode referensinya manaa?" ... setelah dicek ternyata {order_name} diganti jadi {id_order} ... jadi kacauuu gak konsisten... di suatu email dapet kode semacam TUVSYFJFK di email lain dapet nomer order #453. harus mbenerin satu-satu di 25 file terjemahan .... harusnya tak mendapat yang begini dari donlotan versi resmi...
  6. i got this error an manage to fix it. (presta nevertheless it's a bug. it should be reported to bug tracker. the error shows up when we disable "Company" in address format.
  7. iya sih. tapi khn ini sumbernya dari situs resmi prestashop. apa pantas diberi link begitu? lain halnya kalo aku donlot dari website-nya dia
  8. baru aja donlot terjemahan versi resmi http://www.prestasho...en/translations bagaimana pendapat teman2 mengenai terjemahan tenmplate email berikut ini ? terutama yg sy lingkari hijau
  9. mungkin harus report ke bugtracker. sepertinya memang ada karakter tambahan di situ. coba deh: pencet backspace 1x seharusnya p dari Rp sudah terhapus, nyatanya belum, pencet sekali lagi baru terhapus. Brarti khan ada 1 karakter "tersembunyi" pada settingan yang akan nampak jika kita generate invoice
  10. Update product names in all languages. could be because different language you're using between front-end and back-end
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