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Hi everyone!


Please spend your 30 priceless seconds and help me with this small issue.


In the footer I have a link to Contact us, after I click it I have a blank page https://contact-us/. I made a document in CMS but of course it is something else. 


A file is missing and I don't know where to create it?

Or I should change the link from my footer, but where?


I also checked modules but this time it wasn't there :/


Edit: is this the file I should edit?




However I don't know what should I edit in it :/


Edit: tags

Edited by Crowell (see edit history)
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Check if you have contact-form.tpl in your theme folder

Link in footer is in blockcms.tpl in your theme/modules/blockcms folder and should look like this:

            {if $show_contact}
            <li class="item">
                <a href="{$link->getPageLink($contact_url, true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}">
                    {l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}


Hope this helps

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Thank you dioniz, I will use your tip if I won't be able to use standard contact form, maybe vekia will have an idea.

And yes, I do have a contact-form.tpl which has some long code and annotation to don't change it


vekia I clicked on the Contact us to show source, I hope this is what you asked me for:


<div id="contact-link"> <a href="https:///contact-us" title="Contact Us">Contact us</a></div></nav></div></div></div>


I see that it's wrong because About us looks normal:

<li class="item"> <a href="http://XYZ.com/content/4-about" title="About us"> About us </a></li>


Which means that it should be the one from cms :) So I just need a tip where can I change it, because footer.tpl is short and didn't find it there.. am I right?


Edit: dioniz gave me a link, I will check it now..

Edit 2: nope, the file looks exactly like you wrote :/

Edit 3: I have the same problem with Check out / Cart.. it directs me to https://order/ which is blank :(

Edit 4: If I would like to add a new information link there, what should I write and where? For example I'd like to add 4th column called Terms and Policies and put there Cookies Policy, Terms and Conditions, Delivery etc. Also, is there a sens to put it from your point of view? I'd like to provide high company's transparency to gain customer's trust.

Edited by Crowell (see edit history)
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Halo? Please help me, I still didn't solve it on my own.

I have changed the line:

{if $show_contact}
<li class="item">
<a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact-us')|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}">
{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcms'}

However it didn't help too much, instead or redirecting me into a wrong path, now it's the error 404.
Edit 2:
I understand that in order to repair it, I have to fix either nav.tpl or blockcontact.tpl in themes->modules->blockcontact ,right?
Here I have nav.tpl which seems fine
<div id="contact-link">
<a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact', true)|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Contact Us' mod='blockcontact'}">{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcontact'}</a>
{if $telnumber}
<span class="shop-phone">
<i class="icon-phone"></i>{l s='Call us now:' mod='blockcontact'} <strong>{$telnumber}</strong>


and the blockcontact.tpl


<div id="contact_block" class="block">
<h4 class="title_block">
{l s='Contact Us' mod='blockcontact'}
<div class="block_content clearfix">
{l s='Our support hotline is available 24/7.' mod='blockcontact'}
{if $telnumber != ''}
<p class="tel">
<span class="label">{l s='Phone:' mod='blockcontact'}</span>{$telnumber|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}
{if $email != ''}
<a href="mailto:{$email|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}" title="{l s='Contact our expert support team!' mod='blockcontact'}">
{l s='Contact our expert support team!' mod='blockcontact'}
Edit 3: I have changed these files with the original ones, still the same. Of course button Contact us from the top header doesn't work either.
Edited by Crowell (see edit history)
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