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[SOLVED] product image missing

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in BO shows question marks, so i've gone to the original site, and same product got pictures, ok...no problem.


I look on ftp and search cpanel for that picture, result is 0. So i copy the original image folder and paste it on the updated version, regenerate the products images and result is the same. Clean cache of site, browser, etc, regenerate again, same problem...


Now the funny part, even in the original website, if i search for that missing product image the result is zero...so how can that image is displayed in the original site...?


Even with the default theme same problem. Thinking that i must upload all the missing product images via BO... gives me the giffies.


hope you can provide a easy solution and thank you very much for your time,


Edited by kadapawn (see edit history)
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normal PS issue :wacko: ... try to regenerate


preferences - > images


 i did, no result, but something new comes up.


I search via Cpanel for the picture lets say 1728 and can't find it...so is only normal then to have a missing report when i regenerate.


The report is...Can't find image img/p/1/7/2/8/1728.jpg. If i look on the update img folder, i have no img/p/1/7/2/8/ folder and same goes for live site.


I've tried and search for this 1728 picture on some old back-ups and the result was 843-1728 and the picture for that product is correct, but on the website, if i click to see the image the name is 1728 so 843 is missing..


update: after manually uploaded a picture from a missing product image:

FO: pictures show;

BO: cant remove question mark picture;

Edited by kadapawn (see edit history)
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Move Images

Preferences -> Images and click on button "Move Images"



Regenerate Images

Then, in Regenerate Images block, select "All" and "regenerate" button.


Before Regenerate all images, be sure that the images types are correctly..









Move Images button missing

If you can't see the button "Move Images",


Open the file /config/settings.inc.php

Change the date of constant _PS_CREATION_DATE_, like this:

define('_PS_CREATION_DATE_', '2012-09-02');

This is little trick to show the button..




Legacy Images


Be sure that is not using "Legacy Images".

The option is in Preferences -> Images..


One alternative way is execute this query directly into MySQL:

UPDATE `PREFIX_configuration` SET `value` = '0' WHERE `name` LIKE 
'PS_LEGACY_IMAGES' AND `value` = 1;
Edited by omine (see edit history)
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