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How to exclude tax in the product list but include it in the check out page?

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How to exclude tax in the product list but include it in the check out page?


Currently the product price displayed in the products list includes the tax, but I want to show it with tax excluded. I want to include the tax in the check out page and the cart.



if the retail price of a product is $100, and the tax rate is 10%, I want to display it as $100 in the product list. In the check out page, it adds the 10% tax, and gives $100+$100*10%=$110.


Any tips?

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cool site. Yes, that's what I mean.

How do you do that?


Is this tax calculated based on the state of delivery address?


I'm using PS1.4.7.2 and in California, and choose the California tax rule for each product in the back office.




By product list do you mean the price that is on the product page?


For example,



This page shows the product without tax, but if you add the product to the blockcart you will see tax. Is this what you want or something else?

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First, I found this article to be very helpful.



The setting I'm using - go to admin > Payment > Taxes


First add your taxes and from the Display tax in cart option you can choose whether the tax should be displayed in the cart when a customer adds a product. It's set to Yes by default, but this won't actually show the tax (if any) in the cart. There's another option that you have to change in order to include the tax on a separate line in the cart. To do this go to the Customers tab of your store's admin panel, then click on the Groups sub-tab, choose the customer group from the table (e.g. Default for all customers) and click on its edit icon. The page with the options for that customer group will be displayed. From the drop-down menu labeled Price display method select Tax included:


The above should get the tax in your shopping cart to display on a separate line. But not the Ajax blockcart. That will continue to show tax included pricing.


I could not find a way to make blockcart show tax on a separate line using BO. I had to modify the code in blockcart to show the tax on a separate line.


In your modules directory, modify blockcart.php


Change line 67:

$useTax = !($taxCalculationMethod == PS_TAX_EXC);



$useTax = true;

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