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  1. Hi, If you open \themes\[your-theme]\templates\catalog\product.tpl in a text editor then search for {l s='Product Details' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'} Then you can delete or comment out the following code & that will get rid of the Product Details tab <li class="nav-item"> <a class="nav-link{if !$product.description} active{/if}" data-toggle="tab" href="#product-details"> {l s='Product Details' d='Shop.Theme.Catalog'} </a> </li>
  2. Hi, I have free shipping set up for standard delivery for orders over £30 (£4.99 below). This works as expected with the majority of products but I noticed today that there are a couple of products which are below £30 but they are still showing as free shipping even though they should be showing £4.99. I have tried comparing the product settings in question with other products where the shipping charges are working as expected but cannot seem to spot any difference in the settings which could be causing this issue for these products. I have had a search of the forum and did find an old post for PS 1.5.4 suggesting that this issue can occur when if the setting "I want to use advanced stock management" in product > quantities is checked, however this box is unchecked for both products I have noticed this issue on so this does not appear to be the cause. I did also wonder whether it was something to do with the fact that the prices are on sale and so it was taking the was price into account for the shipping charge, however I checked some other products on sale which would normally be over £30 and the shipping is calculated correctly on these. Below is a link to the site so you can see the issue: https://www.sociablecook.co.uk/search?controller=search&orderby=position&orderway=desc&search_query=jacob+jensen+weatherstation+2 The free shipping issue is with the Jacob Jensen Weatherstation 2 Hygrometer and Jacob Jensen Weatherstation 2 Thermometer. The other products on this page work as expected. Thanks in advance Jon
  3. Hi Kopecky, Not sure that I fully understand the issue but I do have a couple of suggestions you could try if you haven't already tried. 1. In the block layered module configuration try rebuilding the index e.g. Rebuild entire price index, build attribute index & build url index. 2. Go to edit > template in the module and make sure all the relevant categories are checked. Hope this helps. Jon
  4. Hi, I have a cart discount rule setup which adds a free product to the customer's cart when they spend over £50. Currently the customer is not able to remove this product if they decide they do not want it. Looking in "shopping-cart-product-line.tpl" I can see this is due to "&& empty($product.gift)" in the delete button code - so it won't show if the product on that line is a free gift. If I remove "&& empty($product.gift)" then this does mean the delete icon shows however if you click on the button the page reloads but the free product is not removed. I am not sure if this is because the product is removed but then added again due to the cart rule or whether the delete button code (below) needs amending so that it can remove the free product. {if !isset($noDeleteButton) || !$noDeleteButton} <td class="cart_delete text-center" data-title="{l s='Delete'}"> {if (!isset($customizedDatas.$productId.$productAttributeId) OR $quantityDisplayed > 0) && empty($product.gift)} <div> <a rel="nofollow" title="{l s='Delete'}" class="cart_quantity_delete" id="{$product.id_product}_{$product.id_product_attribute}_{if $quantityDisplayed > 0}nocustom{else}0{/if}_{$product.id_address_delivery|intval}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart', true, NULL, "delete=1&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&ipa={$product.id_product_attribute|intval}&id_address_delivery={$product.id_address_delivery|intval}&token={$token_cart}")|escape:'html':'UTF-8'}"><i class="icon-trash"></i></a> </div> {else} {/if} </td> {/if}
  5. I managed to solve this issue in the end. I had deleted multiple categories directly in the database (ps_category table) but had forgotten to also delete those categories products associations in the ps_category_product table This meant that each time I ran import the categories I thought I had deleted were being created again as the database still saw them as having products associated to the. I have now made sure that all references to the deleted categories have been removed from all category related tables in the database (ps_category, ps_category_group, ps_category_lang, ps_category_product and ps_category_shop tables) and now I am able to import without any issues.
  6. Hi, I have been using the product import feature to add EANs to my products and for some reason the import seems to be creating a lot of top level categories with numbers for names e.g. 4552. There should only be 6 top level categories and currently it is showing over 1500 with the import still processing. My import file only had 2 fields product reference and EAN and I used the product sample file from prestashop to generate the import file so as to make sure the format is correct. I made sure that I chose Products as the entity and selected use product reference as the Key. The preview file looked correct on the next page and I selected the relevant headers "Reference #" and "EAN13" from the dropdowns. There are only 2 columns in the import file and neither relate to any category fields so cannot see what is causing all the additional categories to be created. The named of the created categories do not match any of the product reference numbers, so it is not using that and the EANs seem to be populating correctly on the products so it is recognising both columns as the correct product fields. When the import is finished I will have thousands of additional categories to delete and no idea what has caused them to be generated by the import in the first place. Has anyone else had a similar issue or no how it can be solved? Thanks in advance. Jon
  7. Hi Rocky, Brilliant that has solved the issue. Thanks for your help with this. Jon
  8. Hi Rocky, Thanks for the reply. Are you able to let me know how I go about calling the ProductSale::fillProductSales() function ? Thanks in advance Jon
  9. Hi, I am currently building a site and I have imported all the orders from the old site into the new one, however when I navigate to the best sellers page https://www.sociablecook.co.uk/best-sellers it says that there are no top sellers at the moment. Does anyone know if there is there a way to generate the best sellers based on the historic orders I have imported or does Prestashop only base best sellers on orders that have been placed through the current site? Jon
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