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  1. hahaha... i'm so dumb jesus... now it works... Really thanks man... you save my day but, to print products in tpl file i can use the code like in product-list.tpl? {if isset($products)} <!-- Products list --> <ul id="product_list" class="clear"> {foreach from=$products item=product name=products} <li class="ajax_block_product {if $smarty.foreach.products.first}first_item{elseif $smarty.foreach.products.last}last_item{/if} {if $smarty.foreach.products.index % 2}alternate_item{else}item{/if} clearfix"> <div class="left_block"> {if isset($comparator_max_item) && $comparator_max_item} <p class="compare"> <input type="checkbox" class="comparator" id="comparator_item_{$product.id_product}" value="comparator_item_{$product.id_product}" {if isset($compareProducts) && in_array($product.id_product, $compareProducts)}checked="checked"{/if} /> <label for="comparator_item_{$product.id_product}">{l s='Select to compare'}</label> </p> {/if} </div> <div class="center_block"> <a href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" class="product_img_link" title="{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}"> <img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'home_default')}" {if isset($homeSize)} width="{$homeSize.width}" height="{$homeSize.height}"{/if} /> {if isset($product.new) && $product.new == 1}<span class="new">{l s='New'}</span>{/if} </a> <h3><a href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'|truncate:35:'...'}</a></h3> <p class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}" title="{$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:360:'...'}" >{$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:360:'...'}</a></p> </div> <div class="right_block"> {if isset($product.on_sale) && $product.on_sale && isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}<span class="on_sale">{l s='On sale!'}</span> {elseif isset($product.reduction) && $product.reduction && isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE}<span class="discount">{l s='Reduced price!'}</span>{/if} {if (!$PS_CATALOG_MODE AND ((isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price) || (isset($product.available_for_order) && $product.available_for_order)))} <div class="content_price"> {if isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !isset($restricted_country_mode)}<span class="price" style="display: inline;">{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$product.price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price_tax_exc}{/if}</span><br />{/if} {if isset($product.available_for_order) && $product.available_for_order && !isset($restricted_country_mode)}<span class="availability">{if ($product.allow_oosp || $product.quantity > 0)}{l s='Available'}{elseif (isset($product.quantity_all_versions) && $product.quantity_all_versions > 0)}{l s='Product available with different options'}{else}{l s='Out of stock'}{/if}</span>{/if} </div> {if isset($product.online_only) && $product.online_only}<span class="online_only">{l s='Online only!'}</span>{/if} {/if} {if ($product.id_product_attribute == 0 || (isset($add_prod_display) && ($add_prod_display == 1))) && $product.available_for_order && !isset($restricted_country_mode) && $product.minimal_quantity <= 1 && $product.customizable != 2 && !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} {if ($product.allow_oosp || $product.quantity > 0)} {if isset($static_token)} <a class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button exclusive" rel="ajax_id_product_{$product.id_product|intval}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart',false, NULL, "add&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}&token={$static_token}", false)}" title="{l s='Add to cart'}"><span></span>{l s='Add to cart'}</a> {else} <a class="button ajax_add_to_cart_button exclusive" rel="ajax_id_product_{$product.id_product|intval}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart',false, NULL, "add&id_product={$product.id_product|intval}", false)}" title="{l s='Add to cart'}"><span></span>{l s='Add to cart'}</a> {/if} {else} <span class="exclusive"><span></span>{l s='Add to cart'}</span><br /> {/if} {/if} </div> </li> {/foreach} </ul> <!-- /Products list --> {/if}
  2. Anyway, still print a blank page :| i will past all the class. Class testmoduleAllproductsModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { public function init() { $this->page_name = 'Design 10'; // page_name and body id $this->display_footer = false; $this->display_column_left = false; $this->display_header = false; $this->display_column_right = false; parent::init(); } public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); $id_lang = Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT'); $category = new Category(20); $category->getProducs($id_lang,0,5); $this->context->smarty->assign('category_design10',$category); $this->setTemplate('design10.tpl'); } }
  3. Just get a blank page Even loads the template parent::initContent(); $category = new Category(20); $category->getProducs($id_lang,0,5); $this->context->smarty->assign; $this->setTemplate('deign10.tpl'); I am doing something wrong...
  4. So, i was using that: $products_partial = Product::getProducts($this->context->language->id, 0, 5, 'name', 'asc'); $products = Product::getProductsProperties($this->context->language->id, $products_partial); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'products' => $products, 'homeSize' => Image::getSize('home_default') )); and now you are saying to change the code to: public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); $category->getProducs($id_lang,0,5); $this->setTemplate('deign10.tpl'); } public function getProducts($id_lang, $p, $n, $order_by = null, $order_way = null, $get_total = false, $active = true, $random = false, $random_number_products = 1, $check_access = true, Context $context = null) } i didnt get it... I'm used to working with SQL queries, for me it is easier to understand. can give me a help in this role? I'm doing something wrong, I get it, but still do not understand how this works.
  5. Ho nice, but I wanted to make a query about a specific product category? with this code i can display all products. $products_partial = Product::getProducts($this->context->language->id, 0, 5, 'name', 'asc'); $products = Product::getProductsProperties($this->context->language->id, $products_partial); $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'products' => $products, 'homeSize' => Image::getSize('home_default') )); how can i do it with this query??
  6. Hi, I want to create a new page on my site and add a specific template , ie with different columns of the rest of the site and a slideshow but not yet properly etendi how can anyone explain me how can I create a specific layout for a page?
  7. Hi, i'm noob on prestashop so, i want to create a new page for a specific category but with the same structure as the frontpage as is a range of special products. Is there a module that helps, or how can I do this? I searched for several days but found nothing explicit. is attached an image with an example of the frontpage.
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