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    Web development agency

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  1. Muy buenas ghoose, encontré la solución, la puse aquí https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/472105-display-volume-discounts-quantity-discounts-in-product-listtpl-prestashop-16/ Lo que no he conseguido es que se muestren en el homepage :/ Saludos!
  2. Hi all, works perfect on product-list.tpl. http://comprarcomidaparaperros.com/272-meradog-high-premium BUT in the home page (featured, new, etc) the volume discounts are not displayed, Does anyone know how to solve this issue? Cheers!
  3. I found the solution. 1) Go to /controllers/front/CategoryController.php In line 232 you can read: foreach ($this->cat_products as &$product) if (isset($product['id_product_attribute']) && $product['id_product_attribute'] && isset($product['product_attribute_minimal_quantity'])) $product['minimal_quantity'] = $product['product_attribute_minimal_quantity']; You must change by: foreach($this->cat_products as &$cat_product) $cat_product['quantity_discount'] = SpecificPrice::getQuantityDiscounts((int)$cat_product['id_product'], (int)Shop::getCurrentShop(), (int)self::$cookie->id_currency, $id_country, $id_group); 2) Go to product-list.tpl Now you can use $product.quantity_discount With <pre>{$product.quantity_discount|print_r}</pre> you can get the array with the volume discounts and use them.
  4. Hi all, I need to show the "volume discounts" in product-list.tpl. This is very easy to manage in product.tpl using $quantity_discounts, but this is not possible in the product-list.tpl. I have been searching in /controllers/front/ProductController.php and /classes/Product.php but I can not see how call $quantity_discounts in product-list.tpl Does anyone know the solution? Thank you very much.
  5. Muy buenas a tod@s, Estoy atascado en esta cuestión. No consigo mostrar los descuentos por cantidad (volume discounts) que se muestran en product.tpl en product-list.tpl. Lo que en product.tpl es tan fácil de manejar con $quantity_discounts, en el listado de productos no consigo ver donde poder llamar a esa variable y recorrer los precios específicos por cantidad creados en el admin. Saludos y gracias.
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