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  1. it same trouble to payment Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart
  2. Bagi yang mengunakan Payment Gateway ada error. Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart. Namun untuk payment tersebut Failed saat melakukan payment. Padahal transaksi sudah masuk di payment gateway. Kalau kita cancel Payment Gateway maka akan redirect nya akan muncul Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart Adakah solusi untuk masalah ini??
  3. Still Trouble Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart
  4. Dxxxx. Ada solusi dengan masalah Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart
  5. yang mengunakan Payment Gateway untuk belanja online di Prestashop ada trouble "Cart cannot be loaded or an order has already been placed using this cart Cart " ? Ada yang bisa bantu, kenapa bisa trouble >??
  6. Bagaimana membuat Link Title di CSHOMETABS <h3>{$tab->title[(int)$cookie->id_lang]}</h3> <!-- CS Home Tab module --> <div class="home_top_tab"> {if count($tabs) > 0} <div id="tabs"> {foreach from=$tabs item=tab name=tabs} {if count($tab->product_list)>0} <div class="box1"> <div class="title"><h3>{$tab->title[(int)$cookie->id_lang]}</h3></div> <div class="tabs-carousel" id="tabs-{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}"> <div class="cycleElementsContainer" id="cycle-{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}"> <div id="elements-{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}"> <div class="list_carousel responsive"> <ul id="carousel{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}" class="product-grid"> {foreach from=$tab->product_list item=product name=product_list key=delay} <li class="ajax_block_product not-animated" data-animate="bounceIn" data-delay="{$delay*200}"> <div class="p_content"> <div class="image"> <a href="{$product.link}" title="" class="product_image"> <img src="{$link->getImageLink($product.link_rewrite, $product.id_image, 'prod_slider_home')}" alt="" /> </a> {if $product.specific_prices} {if $product.specific_prices.reduction>0} {if $product.specific_prices.reduction_type == 'percentage'} <span class="on_sale"> <span class="percen"> -{$product.specific_prices.reduction*100}% </span> </span> {else} <span class="on_sale"> <span class="amount"> -{convertPrice price=$product.reduction} </span> </span> {/if} {/if} {else} {if $product.new==1} <span class="new"><span>{l s='new'}</span></span> {/if} {/if} </div> <div class="name_product"> <h3> <a href="{$product.link}" title="{$product.name|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.name|truncate:30:'...'|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a> </h3> </div> <p class="product_desc">{$product.description_short|strip_tags:'UTF-8'|truncate:60:'...'}</p> {hook h='displayProductListReviews' product=$product} {if $product.reduction} <span class="price old"> {convertPrice price=$product.price_without_reduction}</span>{/if} {if isset($product.show_price) && $product.show_price && !isset($restricted_country_mode)} <span class="price {if $product.reduction}{/if}">{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$product.price}{else}{convertPrice price=$product.price_tax_exc}{/if}</span> {/if} </div> {if ($product.id_product_attribute == 0 OR (isset($add_prod_display) AND ($add_prod_display == 1))) AND $product.available_for_order AND !isset($restricted_country_mode) AND $product.minimal_quantity == 1 AND $product.customizable != 2 AND !$PS_CATALOG_MODE} {if ($product.quantity > 0 OR $product.allow_oosp)} <a class="csbutton ajax_add_to_cart_button csdefault" rel="ajax_id_product_{$product.id_product}" href="{$link->getPageLink('cart.php')}?qty=1&id_product={$product.id_product}&token={$static_token}&add" title=""><span class="in_button">{l s='Add to cart' mod='cshometab'}</span></a> {else} <span class="csbutton cssecond">{l s='Out of stock' mod='cshometab'}</span> {/if} {else} <div style="height:23px;"></div> {/if} </div> </li> {/foreach} </ul> <div class="cclearfix"></div> {if count($tab->product_list)>4} <div class="control"> <a id="prev{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}" class="prev" href="#"><</a> <a id="next{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}" class="next" href="#">></a> </div> {/if} </div> {if isset($tab->sub_category)} <div class="sub_category"> <h6 data-animate="fadeInUp" data-delay="100">{l s='Sub category' mod='cshometab'}</h6> {foreach from=$tab->sub_category item=sub_cat name=sub_cat key=delay} <a href="{$sub_cat.link_sub_cat}" data-animate="fadeInUp" data-delay="{$delay*150}">{$sub_cat.name}</a> {if !$smarty.foreach.sub_cat.last}<span class="opa" data-animate="fadeInUp" data-delay="{$delay*160}"> | </span>{/if} {/foreach} </div> {/if} </div> </div> </div> </div> {/if} {/foreach} </div> <script type="text/javascript"> $(window).load(function() { if(!isMobile()) { initCarousel(); } else { initCarouselMobile() } $('.home_top_tab .prev, .home_top_tab .next').click(function(){ return removeApear($(this));}); }); function initCarousel() { {foreach from=$tabs item=tab name=tabs} // Responsive layout, resizing the items $('#carousel{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}').carouFredSel({ responsive: true, onWindowResize: 'debounce', width: '100%', height:'variable', prev: '#prev{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}', next: '#next{$smarty.foreach.tabs.iteration}', auto: false, swipe: { onTouch : true }, items: { width: 220, height: 'auto', // optionally resize item-height visible: { min: 1, max: 3 } }, scroll: { items:3, duration : 1000 // The duration of the transition. } }); {/foreach} } function removeApear(element){ var id_tab = element.attr('id').substring(4); var tab = '#tabs-'+id_tab; if(touch == false){ var that = $(tab); var items = that.find('.not-animated'); items.removeClass('not-animated').unbind('appear'); items = that.find('.animated'); items.removeClass('animated').unbind('appear'); 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