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  1. Hello, Yes, I'm using default-bootstrap theme, and yes I chosen default-bootstrap when imported translation in Back Office, this is the only theme I have, but inside /themes/ there is 'default' and 'default-bootstrap' folders. I have tryed to extract lt.gzip and open with Notepad++, so I believe there is only Back Office and some modules translations. As it starts with: global $_LANGADM; $_LANGADM = array(); $_LANGADM['AdminAddressesd3b206d196cd6be3a2764c1fb90b200f'] = ......... ...... And below there is some modules translations I believe. SOLVED: I copied /themes/default-bootstrap/lang/lt.php file from older PS installation to PS and now it shows translation in Frontend. So I have solved my problem I guess, but I have no idea why this translation was missing, because according to https://www.prestashop.com/en/translations PS Lithuanian translation is completely translated (100%).
  2. Hello, I have installed PS in English. When chosen that it's Lithuania eshop, so Lithuanian language was added, I set it as default language. Backend is translated in Lithuanian, but Frontend is not translated. For example button "add to cart" and all other strings are not translated. I have checked /themes/default-bootstrap/lang/ folder but in file lt.php there is just this code: <?php global $_LANG; $_LANG = array(); ?> I suppose it should have all strings translations (as in PS 1.6.0.x). Also there is two folders /themes/default/ and /themes/default-bootstrap/ /themes/default/ has inside only /lang with lt.php which is also empty. I tried to manually delete /themes/default/ folder and upload lt.gzip file in Backend translation page, /themes/default folder have been created again. What could be the problem? Thanks.
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