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  1. I have have a trouble with custom module in the PS 1.7. My module is intended for exporting catalog to particular XML file (yandex market, if someone knows it). So, export works fine, except automatic and cron links. I have SEO URLs torn on, my webserver is nginx. All needed rewrite rules are included in its config. Module has a controller located in /modules/mymodule/controllers/front/generate.php file. This controller's task is nothing but generate a xml file in the PS root dir, so it is very simple: class yamarketgenerateModuleFrontController extends ModuleFrontController { public $display_header = false; public $display_column_left = false; public $display_column_right = false; public $display_footer = false; public $ssl = false; public function postProcess() { parent::postProcess(); $this->module->generate(Tools::getValue('cron')); } } In the BO there is a field with human-readable link for cron which is obtained/generated via getModuleLink() call. It looks like: http://mydomain/module/yamarket/generate Taking in account manuals, this FRIENDLY adrress looks correct and finally should invoke the postProcess() from code above. However, it is nonworking and nginx logs shows the 302 code. If i manually open link like http://example.com/index.php?fc=module&module=yamarket&controller=generate then it works fine. Module's internal function 'generate' also works fine. The question is why human-readable link to module's controller isn't working or why controller does not triggered, and how to fix this?
  2. I've made the upgrade manually dumping the SQL database and editing it. It is impossible to migrate 1-to-1 form 1.6 to 1.7 But i manage to migrate the products with its attributes/features/combinations Did not transferred the customers, suppose, it could be an issue in order to transfer the customers' passwords intact.
  3. PS and - First solution didn't helped me, while second is ok. Absolutely same SEO product route scheme at 1.6.x working more or less acceptable. Strange, why can't replace the {id}{-:id_product_attribute} with {reference}{-:ean13} ? It is same, and ean is definitely unique if we talk about officially registered code - usually items of same combination has its own one.
  4. Версия престы? Какой веб-сервер? версия? Минимальная конфигурация системы? Или все должны догадаться?
  5. 2000 или 3000 может оказаться мало, если будете править перевод. А это зачастую бывает необходимо. Я установил 15000. Также надо обратить время на всевозможные таймауты выполнения запросов - например, при перегенерации миниатюр тоже может не хватить времени. Ну и еще максимальный размер POST надо посмотреть . В принципе, в мануалах всё это описано
  6. If you so curious and like to familiarize with new release - why not to organize kinda "sandbox" on your home/work PC? There are a tons of server software: OpenServer, Denwer, XAMP/LAMP, et c. Just dl it, run and deploy test environment at home/office. When/if you'll achieve satisfactory outcome - then it is possible to transfer "new" installation onto production environment.
  7. Ну, как раз Woo по-моему - редкая кокашка, совсем дурацкий. Фич почти никаких по сравнению с престой. Хотя, конечно, преста тоже страдает от кучи багов, но я пока не вижу нормальной альтернативы....
  8. Настройки -> Общие настройки, там как раз есть SSL, затем нужно еще пойти в Настройки->SEO и URL, там на всякий случай надо перегенерировать URLы Если же костыль был вручную вставлен в php-код, то вариант такой: скачиваете с сайта престы архив с нужной версией, распаковываете его в какую-то папку, в другую копируете содержимое папки с сайтом, затем diff'ом или WinMerge'ом сравниваете 2 эти папки, а дальше ручками смотрите на отличающиеся файлы.
  9. А так во всех браузерах или нет? А то я заметил, что хром очень часто интерпретирует javascript с ошибками. Лучше всего в этом плане дела у мозиллы.
  10. Folks! Why don't we ask developers to develop standalone windows/linux/android app for products editing? Or let's organize ourselves?
  11. You absolutely right! There was another post or topic, where a've described this. The root of problem is really there - after page load, ajax-script starts loop of loading tabs, each-after-other, and this is most time consuming procedure. My opinion - this is design issue, not coding. So, untill now, we didn't get any reaction. I don't know, whether is possible community to organize request for feature fix/improve? UPD: as for me, now the only really working tool for product editing is excel/LO calc + custom SQL queries. Horrible things.
  12. It seems to me, that product editor in its current state is almost unusable for mass product add/edit, et c. Despite, that my time of spinning "Save" buttons is near 15-20 sec, it's totally unacceptible when i try to add/edit products manually. Of course, i know about import/export to/from csv, but, that way does not affects the need to load images manually.
  13. Seems like problem with webserver/php configuration at your hosting. I don't understand, why not to use dedicated server for e-shop? (serverbidding.com 4 instance)
  14. Furst, take a look at your system configuration. This fix is primarily suitable for systems using hhvm as a php backend. Second: unfortunately, now Prestashop consumes a lot of resources itself, so shared hosting could be not enoufh
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