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  1. Hello, I'm testing the shop on localhost , ps version, using the basic theme. It's a clothing store that has branches in several cities, so every store should have its own stock. I created a warehouse for every store, set the available quantities for products and its combinations based on warehouse stock. My question is how do i know, when a client is buying a product from the online store, from what warehouse does the product get subtracted, how does this system work? can I configure this? Thanks!
  2. I am testing the shop on an apache server on localhost , version, i am using the basic theme that i have modified within the theme templates and css
  3. Can anybody help me, why is the product image in the specials block not showing after hooking it in the footer? It is the link adress wrong? what should i change and where? Thank you for your time!
  4. Hello! I have to set an image on all pages, and another one in product page. The image is inside a div in the footer. How do i do that? Thank you!
  5. Hello! this is the code from blockcontentinfos.tpl: <div id="block_contact_infos"> <h2 class="title_block"> <a href="{$link->getPageLink('contact-form')}" title="{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcontactinfos'}">{l s='Contact us' mod='blockcontactinfos'}</a> </h2> Thanks!
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