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    Madrid, Spain
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  1. The problem was SOLVED. The problem was from ps_product table and ps_product_shop table : Thank you very much Vekia.
  2. Hello Vekia, I really appreciate your quick response. you had the same issue before you modified the controllers and classes? No.. Before I do that I make the same process adding new fields to product "condition" and everithing worked fine. But I´m not sure if I add the ps_product table and ps_product_shop table correctly for seller_type field. Thank you, Alex.
  3. Hello, I tried to add a new field to my product creation and the result is that I can´t save the product and have the next issues: Este campo link_rewrite se requiere por lo menos en Español (Spanish). I make the next changes: 1. Add create new field in ps_product table. 2. Add create new field in ps_product_shop table. 3. Modify core files in classes/product.php /** @var enum Product condition (brand, official store, store, professional seller, private seller) */ public $seller_type; 'seller_type' => array('type' => self::TYPE_STRING, 'shop' => true, 'validate' => 'isGenericName', 'values' => array('brand', 'official store', 'store', 'professional seller', 'private seller' ), 'default' => 'brand'), 4. Modify product edit .tpl file located in this path: ADMIN_DIR/themes/default/template/controllers/products/informations.tpl <div class="form-group"> <label class="control-label col-lg-3" for="seller_type"> {include file="controllers/products/multishop/checkbox.tpl" field="seller_type" type="default"} {l s='Seller type'} </label> <div class="col-lg-3"> <select name="seller_type" id="seller_type"> <option value="brand" {if $product->seller_type == 'brand'}selected="selected"{/if} >{l s='Brand'}</option> <option value="official store" {if $product->seller_type == 'official store'}selected="selected"{/if} >{l s='Official store'}</option> <option value="store" {if $product->seller_type == 'store'}selected="selected"{/if}>{l s='Store'}</option> <option value="professional seller" {if $product->seller_type == 'professional seller'}selected="selected"{/if} >{l s='Professional seller'}</option> <option value="private seller" {if $product->seller_type == 'private seller'}selected="selected"{/if} >{l s='Private seller'}</option> </select> </div> </div> 5. Finally modify the THEME product.tpl (to show the result on my shop) {capture name=seller_type} {if $product->seller_type == 'brand'}{l s='Brand'} {elseif $product->seller_type == 'official store'}{l s='Official store'} {elseif $product->seller_type == 'store'}{l s='Store'} {elseif $product->seller_type == 'professional seller'}{l s='Professional seller'} {elseif $product->seller_type == 'private seller'}{l s='Private seller'} {/if} {/capture} <p id="product_condition"{if !$product->seller_type} style="display: none;"{/if}> <label>{l s='Seller type'}: </label> <span class="editable" itemprop="seller_type">{$smarty.capture.seller_type}</span> </p> Really need your help with this. Thank you, Alex.
  4. Je vous remercie beaucoup. RÉSOLU Le seul problème est un serveur 1and1.Enfin résolu mon problème. Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse.
  5. Bonjour! J'ai téléchargé le magasin de l'hôte local lorsque la page se charge et me donne des problèmes. Domain: www.grouplandia.es problème: Le nom de domaine est redirigé vers http / / www.grouplandia.es / index.php Au lieu de http :// ne laisse que http// Merci de votre aide.
  6. Hola! He subido la tienda desde local al host y al cargarse la pagina me da problemas. dominio: www.grouplandia.es Problema: El dominio se redirecciona a http//www.grouplandia.es/index.php En lugar de http: sale solo http Muchas gracias.
  7. Quiero que aparezca como en la imagen adjunta (pero no se que cambios tengo que hacer porque en la parte derecha tengo el right column . Muchas gracias.
  8. J'ai un problème avec l'insertion d'une image de fond dans un module à 100% ( les mêmes que dans le header et le footer à 100%)! Sur la page principale je veux un curseur comme sur le web: http://www.belancy.com/ Merci beaucoup !
  9. Problema sin solucionar....He cambiado todo lo del .tpl y .php ,pero sin cambio alguno en IE ... Me puede ayudar alguien??? Muchas gracias. http://i1280.photobu...ex177770/IE.png
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