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  1. Thanks sneakypete92 I followed your latest post and I sorted it, hopefully forever, out. But what we have just done is a manual solution, system itself shouldn't mess it up just like that. Every time you use arrows to place your features in right order, system saves it in database, but in fact it doesn't. Second thing is that system should not assign doubled position's numbers, just like I had (two different id_features had the same position). As a conclusion, I would like to ask anyone to change script in such way that it cannot be possible for system to allocate two or more id_feature to one position. Many thanks in advance. And thank you sneakypete92 again.
  2. Thing is that this problem appeared when I had about 100 features added to my shop. Earlier everything was working fine. That is why I believe it has something to do with pagination inside "Product Features" feature. I am waiting for any help.
  3. Hi everyone I am having problems with product features in Back Office. When I add new feature and try to position it somewhere between allready existing ones, all order is getting messed up. I have more than 140 different features and, as for now, I have 3 features with position no. 0. Everytime I move them onto desired positions they move differently. Has anyone had the same problem? How to fix this bug? Please, help me.
  4. Witam wszystkich Powoli buduję swój sklepik i natrafiłem na problem przy ustalaniu kolejności wyświetlania cech produktu w BO. Chech w moim przypadku jest sporo, bo każdy produkt ma inne, indywidualne cechy np. zawartość kofeiny lub zawartość chromu itp. W BO mogę sobie ustalać pozycje tych cech za pomocą strzałki, co uważam za bardzo użyteczne, jednak po każdorazowym przesunięciu jakiejś cechy i automatycznym zapisie aktualizacyjnym, inne przesuwają się na "nieswoje" pozycje, powodując bałagan. W tym momencie np. mam trzy cechy z liczbą porządkową 0 i nijak nie mogę rozwiązać tego problemu. Z góry dziękuję za wszelkie podpowiedzi i pomoc. Pozdrawiam
  5. Hi everyone I am starting my only first online shop (or I should say I am struglling to). I want to add a little bit of life in product information. But unfortunately I didn't find any text editor and I tried to install tinyMCE. After reading thousands of forum, FAQ's and everything else I am still not able to finish it. Can someone write a foot-by-foot (do not do it in steps - it's to fast for me) instruction of how to make it work. I am very new to it so I would like someone to explain me everything - patches to different files and lines I have to paste. Many thanks to everyone.
  6. I have had the same problem and it's been solved by my server's provider, so you have to ask them to do it for you. In fact, ask them to put 8000 instead of 1000 cause 1400 will not be enough.
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