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  1. Hi folks Testing an upgraded shop (from 1.6 to 1.7) on local WAMP server. Upgrade has gone well and everything seems to be working, except accessing Catalog > Stocks in admin area crashes/freezes PS (and requires WAMP restart). I've enabled debug mode but that doesn't show any errors just multiple failed or timed out calls to /index.php/api/stock. Now I'm guessing that main Stock management page is doing query that involves ps_stock_available table, and my hunch is this is struggling as there are 38k records. So my first step, is can anyone show me how I can see what the main query being run in default Stock management page is? If anyone can reply with SQL with that would be awesome. At least then I can run query on database and see if it's an optimisation issue or perhaps local environment resources issue. Thanks
  2. Hi williamespindola I amd be interested in this also. Would you kind sharing your override code files? Regards
  3. Hi drolex, did you ever get any help with this? as I'm trying to work out how to do the same.
  4. So basically of the 10's of thousands of people that use Layered Navigation module no one is bothered that Google is likely marking down your sites slightly because the insertion of page number in title is not working??
  5. Currently the latest version on the Layered Navigation module breaks the insertion of page numbers into Page Titles, which is in turn causing Duplicate Page Title errors in Webmaster tools. I have tested this functionality extensively but I've been unable to code a fix for it. But I can confirm absolutely that the issue does NOT occur if Layered Navigation is swiched off. The issue has been reported here: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PNM-2724 But seems to be getting no attention whatsover, which I find quite strange considering the implications for most sites using Layered Navigation and how they must also be getting Webmaster Tools errors. While I can do nothing to fastrack getting this module fixed by developers, can anyone possibly help me by sharing any workarounds they are using or even their own fixes to the issue? Thank you
  6. Thanks Vekia. I guess I was wondering if there was a 'best practice' location for scripts, especially those to be called by crons. Would you say it's therefore better for script to live in root rather than admin folder?* *I take it PS upgrades via 1-click-upgrade don't delete custom scripts located in certain places? As for secure_key, I notice in 'Cron tasks manager' module their is default 'help value' in the Target Link field when adding a new entry that includes a suggested secure_key. I wonder is default displayed there is actually being generated for current shop to match an evaluation via md5(_COOKIE_KEY_.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')); I'm trying to understand best practice for securing cron jobs from external access. Is using a secure_key best way? Also, do you know if there are any requirements from 'Cron tasks manager' module to work? Currently any entry I add fails to run. Very strange
  7. Wallidon, did you know that earth is round? If my answer is helpful, hit the "like this" as a sign of recognition.
  8. No idea what you are talking about. I know which folder my templates are in as I've already customised the mail templates. The issue is that regardless of the fact I've removed the logo from the order confirmation template (and it correctly no longer displays in the email message) the logo is still being sent with the email as an ATTACHMENT. Yes I will edit the code as per Vekia's suggestion. I will also log a request for change report.
  9. Thanks Vekia, I'll edit that code. Note: It's a shame that you can't specify no logo via UI i.e. not assigning logo should not attach one, instead of it defaulting to the header logo if you don't provide one. Not sure how works in 1.6 @walidon: Is your question for me? If so, edit what?
  10. Can anyone offer some advice on most secure location for a custom cron job script? I notice the new Cron Tasks Manager offers as an example a script in admin folder called cron_currencies_rates: if (!defined('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_')) define('_PS_ADMIN_DIR_', getcwd()); include(_PS_ADMIN_DIR_.'/../config/config.inc.php'); if (isset($_GET['secure_key'])) { $secureKey = md5(_COOKIE_KEY_.Configuration::get('PS_SHOP_NAME')); if (!empty($secureKey) AND $secureKey === $_GET['secure_key']) Currency::refreshCurrencies(); } I'm assuming this is good format to model my own php script on? Can anyone point me to some information on how secure_key is being used here? Many thanks
  11. Thanks for your reply. I'm able to edit the email template and remove the logo. the problem is that even if I remove logo from template it still gets sent as an attachment with the order confirmation email. If I go into the theme setup - I have not specified a logo - yet a warning message underneath say that if no email logo provided the main header logo will be used instead, so can't see here how I disable the use of logos on emails Thanks
  12. Hi On v1.5.6.2 if your edit the order confirmation email template (order_conf) to remove a logo, when the email is sent the logo is still sent as an attachment to the email! Can someone please point me in the right direction as to how to prevent logo being sent? Thanks
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