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  1. thx, that was what i would like to hear I'm a beginner in a Prestashop and in php, so that's why i asked about. I'll try. Txh for help, and trying to reach what's my problem:) Best Regards Tomerg3
  2. Heh This is a view of a standard cart. In description column under the product name, You have printed combination of 3 attributes assigned for this product. It is from ...{$product.attributes|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}... i suppose. I'm asking is it possible to get single links to every of this attributes alone, to place them separately, in a different place in the page. Not like in Cart (on image) binded and displayed together, one by one. I want to find a way to place in one column group "layout", in next column group "memory", in next column group "procesor". And in next row of a table, under group names, should be displayed values of attributes, like "modern", "250gb", "1,80ghz".
  3. I mean the link that will print on a set by me place on a site value of chosen by me attribute. For example: productA has a default combination of 3 attributes: cpu: 2,1ghz (group id=5), memory: 250Gb (group id=6), layout: modern (group id=7). Cart in a default theme by code "{if isset($product.attributes) && $product.attributes}<a href="{$link->getProductLink($product.id_product, $product.link_rewrite, $product.category)|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}">{$product.attributes|escape:'htmlall':'UTF-8'}</a>{/if}" will print in cart: Product name attributes: Cpu: 2,1ghz, memory: 250gb, layout: modern I need to get just single attribute from them. Even if I would directly set group id in a link. It should looks like that: Product name memory: 250gb Just one atrribute printed, without modyfying a combination. I know groups id's so i need just to get link to a default value of a product attribute for group id=6 for example.
  4. Hi, i hope that someone can help me. Is there a method to get direct link to single product attribute? For example if i have 3 different groups titled "groupA", "groupB", "groupC", product has attributes in all of them and i want to get link to a "groupC" attribute value only. Can it be done simple, by editing tpl file, and making there direct link? Not like in cart in a main theme, where are all attributes printed under the product name. I'll will be very thankfull for help.
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