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  1. I think I got It, I have found some old links in some product descriptions. Thank you AMA1MD
  2. Hi AMA1MD, Thanks for your reply. Do you mean in the robots file?
  3. Hi, I am finding some 404 errors in my statistics and Google webmasters, there is not an incoming reference for that urls (maybe they are coming from Google) in pages like: index.php?controller=page- not-found index.php?controller=cms How can I manage it? It is safe to make a redirect to other pages? Wich ones? Thank you very much in advance.
  4. Ciao a tutti, Sapete se per l'edizione di quest'anno esiste la possibilità di guardare le conferenze in [spam-filter] (pagando)? Purtroppo non riesco a venire. Sarebbe stupendo. Grazie.
  5. After all this time creating order details manually.... I have noticed that comparing with other website that works perfectly I was missing the last column in the ps_order_detail, it is called original_wholesale_price. I have created it manually copying from the other DB and I hope it works for the next time, because I can't get enought of create products in orders manually.... I will let you know.
  6. Hi fabio, thanks for reply. I have created manually the missing columns (2 because there was 2 products in the order) in the db. Thanks to this I can stamp the PDF and see the complete order in the backoffice, but I am scared about the idea that this won't be generated automatically next time...
  7. Hi, I have the same problem. I can't see products in the backoffice, I have received the Paypal pay confirmation with all the details, but in the database the order n.97 it is not generatinf the ps_order_details. I attached 2 pics of the problem. Thank you very much.
  8. I have the same error in different websites...
  9. Sigo desesperada con este tema. Mi Hosting dice que todo OK; pero desde Google me dicen que debo tener alguna restricción porque la página no es accesible desde Europa ni desde India. Desde Italia y USA sin problemas. No uso la Geolocalización. Alguién tiene alguna idea de qué debo hacer o qué está pasando? Gracias.
  10. Muchas gracias de nuevo por las palabras de aliento, he reclamado para reconsiderar la suspensión y me han contactado por e-mail pidiéndome que verificara que el sitio funciona. Voy a contactar con el Hosting a ver... Gracias de nuevo.
  11. Hola a todos, He recibido un mensaje en el que se me comunica que mi cuenta ha sido bloqueada, al pedir más información se me indica que no es posible acceder al sitio, y me mandan una captura de pantalla con un error 403. Yo puedo acceder desde mi ordenador y desde varios navegadores, a lo mejor es porque estoy en Italia y en otros sitios no se puede.... quién sabe... Por favor, alguién podría decirme si el sitio es accesible y en qué país estáis? El sitio es: www.silvercrab.it Muchas gracias a todos
  12. Impossible to upload the Archive_Tar.php file. All the time it was cancelled automatically, and it wasn't possible to open it or change its permissions. I have solved uploading the ArchiveTar.php file from the PS version. Maybe the new one is corrupted or I don't know. But now it works. Thank you very much to prestashopninja for drive me to the right way. :-D
  13. Unfortunatly not worked. This is weird. Comando: SITE CHMOD 777 Archive_Tar.php Risposta: 550 Could not change perms on Archive_Tar.php: No such file or directory
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