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  1. Hi all, I am an absolute noob with the web and tech so excuse my possible misuse of jargon I have been having endless problems with the Prestashop admin redirect loop. I was about to do another re-install when I decided to use a 3g connection opposed to my home wi-fi...and voila it worked I think there maybe an issue with certain ISP's and the i.p. address you use to log on so I thought I would post my findings here, I hope this helps someone else out there. P.S. my office Wi-Fi network with a different ISP works fine.
  2. Hi again , I just thought I would let you know I decided to do a complete re-install, it will probably just be faster...If I have a problem again I will let you know. Even though it was a bit of a downer, I must say the support and response time was what kept me on presta and will be suggesting it to everyone from now. Keep it up
  3. Hi Mike Thanks for your prompt response, yes I did, I edited the files accordingly but still nothing, it keeps looping whenever I enter my login details : /login.php?redirect=index.php
  4. Hi I was testing my PrestaShop on a subdomain and decided to migrate it over to as new domain. Everything in the front office seems to be working fine but I have zero access to the administrator section. I am tired of forum trolling and can't seem to find one straight answer...I hope someone can help Thanks
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