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  1. Hi, 1. In the first step is important that the watermark module to NOT be active (so it can be uninstalled or deactivate). The main idea of this point is to restore all your images as originals, without watermark. The above is linked to "Also, in order to apply the watermark, be aware that you need to regenerate only a dimension.. ". In some cases, restoring the images as originals generates an error, also. So, in this step, regenerating dimensions one by one will avoid such errors. In your specific case, after you "put on hold" the watermark module, you will: - regenerate products images for home dimension, with erase thumbnail option UnChecked. In case of error, regenerate again products images for home dimension, with erase thumbnail option Checked, until you succeed to regenerate all images for this dimension. - regenerate products images for medium dimension, with erase thumbnail option UnChecked. In case of error, regenerate again products images for medium dimension, with erase thumbnail option Checked, until you succeed to regenerate all images for this dimension. - regenerate products images for large dimension, with erase thumbnail option UnChecked. In case of error, regenerate again products images for large dimension, with erase thumbnail option Checked, until you succeed to regenerate all images for this dimension. - regenerate products images for XL dimension, with erase thumbnail option UnChecked. In case of error, regenerate again products images for XL dimension, with erase thumbnail option Checked, until you succeed to regenerate all images for this dimension. In this moment all images are in their place, without watermark. 2. In the second step the watermark module must be active (installed and activated) How it's working the regeneration process in this step: - the system will restore all selected dimensions as you did it in the above first step. That I said in the first post "5. Regenerate product images only for home (or only for large) dimension, with erase thumbnail option checked". - taking picture by picture, the system will generate an watermark image which is saved on the server and applied over the existing images (only over the dimensions set in watermark module settings, but which exist in the product dimensions). So, even you checked all the boxes in your settings, for the product regeneration, the watermark will be applied only on products dimensions. Because you have selected all boxes in module settings, if you'll select another image category or all categories in the regeneration process, the watermark will be applied over their dimensions. I recommend you to check only your product 4 types. The regeneration with watermark is a very hard process for your server, that, in case of server error, repeat the regeneration process with the same settings (Image: Product + Dimension: Home), but with erase thumbnail option UnChecked, until you succeed to apply the watermark on all pictures. Good luck and patience!
  2. I use Prestashop and watermark version 0.6 and my store is big enough (around 7000 products). I have or had the same problem but it seems that I solved it, working hard. 1. The watermark should be big enough. I use 320 x 107 . Deactivate the watermark module. 2. Stop any Cloud service if you use one. 3. Regenerate product images step by step ( first only home, second only large, etc), with erase thumbnail option checked. If your server stop to respond, regenerate product images for that dimension where the error appeared, but with erase thumbnail option unchecked. 4. Install and activate the watermark module 5. Regenerate product images only for home (or only for large) dimension, with erase thumbnail option checked. 6. In case of server error, regenerate product images for dimension chose at step 4, but with erase thumbnail option unchecked. 7. Repeat the step 6, until all images on the website will have the watermark applied (I repeated around 30 times) It seems that the errors are generated by the server. (Don't forget to switch on the Cloud if you stop it) Also, in order to apply the watermark, be aware that you need to regenerate only a dimension. The module will apply the watermark on all images selected in module settings. PS I spent 4 hours to apply the watermark on all pictures.
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