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  1. Thanks so much for your reply. I tried looking for that line in my global.css, but couldnt find it. I see this: /* —————————————————————————————— general styles —————————————————————————————— */ html, body {width:100%;height:100%;} body {font:normal 12px "Arial", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:#272727; background: url(http://www.mumshearts.com/themes/theme182/img/lightpaperfibers.png); } and /* —————————————————————————————— layout —————————————————————————————— */ div#wrapper1 {min-width:1040px;min-height:100%;background:#232222;} div#wrapper2 { height:100%; background:url(../img/lightpaperfibers.png) 0 0 repeat-x #fff; } div#wrapper3 {background:url(../img/lightpaperfibers.png) 0 bottom repeat;} Where is it again that Im supposed to change then? Im on version 1.4 btw.. Oh and Im Sue... TIA is short for thanks in advance.
  2. I can't figure this one out. I'm a newbie. :( On my website: www.mumshearts.com, my background doesnt go all the way to the bottom of the page. Ive tried changing the div#wrapper3 and made the height longer, but obviously that didnt work coz when I clicked on a category, it made the page longer but the background didnt stretch together with it. Oh and my add, if I were to remove the footer, it works fine. Footer is from the module prestalove easyfooter. Can anyone please please help? I know to some of you, this is too easy. For me it took forever! TIA!
  3. I have a related problem.. for some reason, my template doesnt have this 'your account' in the header.. and I want to put that in. But when I add in the line <li id="your_account"><a href="{$link->getPageLink('my-account.php', true)}" title="{l s='Your Account' mod='blockuserinfo'}">{l s='Your Account' mod='blockuserinfo'}</a></li> its not the right position. Ive tried changing padding and all, but no difference. Can someone tell me where and what I should change? I want this to be in between 'Welcome' and 'currency'. Thanks in advance... www.mumshearts.com
  4. Hi all! Ive been looking for a solution to my problem and cant find any simple way that I can understand and do. This is my website: www.mumshearts.com As you can see, the cart is at the top of the page in the middle. I want it to go below the user>cart>currency. Please refer to pic. The cart in the left column will be removed once this problem is resolved. Please take note that this is also a collapsible cart. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Im a very inexperienced noob so I really hope any solution can be clearly explained... and 'slowly' too haha. Thanks so much in advance.
  5. Hi ornusweb! I was looking for the answer as I was having the same issue as yours. I tried the solution given here http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/148270-solved-add-tracking-number-to-email-template/ and it worked for me. Give it a try and see if it works for you too! Good luck!
  6. Hi everyone! Tried searching to see if anyone has the same problem as mine, but cant seem to find anything. However, if there was a problem like this and this is a duplication, I apologise in advance. Also, Im a newbie, so please excuse me if I sound silly. Ive just installed prestashop succesfully. My webhost is iPage. When I went to my back office, it looks strange on my screen. Ive gone to a few browsers and even went to a different PC, but they all look the same. Please refer to the pic Ive attached. Can anybody please help me?
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