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  1. Buenas, quiero quitar los modulos nuevos, populares, más vendidos y vistos del hook displayHomeTab, para que no salgan las pestañas, y quiero ponerlos en el hook displayHome para que salgan los bloques uno debajo de otro. Bueno hago la teoria, desengancho los modulos de los hooks displayHomeTab y displayHomeTabContent Luego intento engancharlos a displayHome, pero solo me deja hacerlo con el de mas vendidos, y encima me sale un bonito cartelito que dice "No hay productos más vendidos en este momento."
  2. How i can display the default category column instead of condition column?
  3. I have seen in another post something similar but with column condition, how i can do it with category default column? to _product_line.tpl i added new column in table with products list <td> {assign var=condition value=Db::getInstance()->getRow("SELECT `condition` FROM ps_product WHERE id_product={$product['product_id']}")} {$condition.condition} </td> to view.tpl i added new column heading <th><span class="title_box ">{l s='Condition'}</span></th>
  4. How i can do the same but with the column "category default" ?
  5. Quiero insertar la columna de categoria como se ve en la imagen adjunta:
  6. I want to insert the category column like in the attached picture:
  7. Quiero agregar la columna "categoría" (categoría de producto predeterminada) junto a la columna de producto en la lista de productos de la vista de pedido en back-office. Creo que tengo que modificar: \Backoffice\themes\default\template\controllers\orders\_product_line.tpl Y tal vez AdminOrdersController.php ¿Qué código necesito para eso? Prestashop default bootstrap
  8. i want to add the column "category" (default product category) next to the product column in the products list of order view in back-office. I think that i have to modify: \Backoffice\themes\default\template\controllers\orders\_product_line.tpl and maybe AdminOrdersController.php What code i need for that? Prestashop default bootstrap
  9. i use prestashop and default bootstrap theme. Where i can find the form.tpl? How i can override it?
  10. I have created a field called "Pick up time" in my orders database, (only for internal usage). This time is shown in a new column in Orders List of my backoffice. I need when time is 00:00:00 then shows it with a diferent background color to highlight it. How i can do it? I use Prestashop 1.6.14 and default-bootstrap theme
  11. I have the pick up time field in backoffice order list, when the field is empty it shows 00:00:00. Is possible to show the field empty when really is empty? not shows 00:00:00
  12. The right one for 24h time is !preg_match('/(2[0-4]|[01][1-9]|10)[0-5][0-9])/',$hora_recogida)
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