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  1. Thank you for your suggestion. But can you explain more precisely ... Thanks again
  2. Me and my team are creating an ecommerce for sale some handicrafts product. Some of our products will be ready for delivery (will be in stock) and those will be paid by the customer at full price, while others will not be ready (but will still be Able to book them and for these will be paid by the customer at the down payment. For example: - Product A -> is WAREHOUSE -> It is on payment at FULL PRICE - Product B -> NOT WARRANTY ---> It is not at full price but only 70% of TOTAL PRODUCT PRICE Another exapmle: Of the "Product A" we have in stock only 1 piece, but at the moment of payment (inside the cart), the situation should be this: - PRODUCT A -> is WAREHOUSE -> TOTAL PRICE - PRODUCT A (the second which is not available) -> NOT WARRANTY -> 80% of TOTAL PRICE You know a Plugin that can provide you recognition options (when purchasing inside the cart) depending on whether or not the products are in stock? I hope I have explained our needs in a clear way. Thanks in advance
  3. In the shop I'm preparing, products are sold in various colors. Use the "Filter" (Layered navigation filter) I would like you may find, among other things, also for color. In "Catalog" has been created a "Product Feature" call "color" with the whole list of colors. Each product is associated with its color. The problem is I when the same product has more colors at once since in the "Features" I can only choose one. For example: I have a light brown and white. I can put the product as "White" feature. But if the "Filter" (Block navigation thick) the user selects "brown" clearly will not see that lamp. There is a solution or a module that can do this? Thanks in advance for advice and guidance. Carlo P.S. Since there are many variables, it is not functional feature set the example: White / Brown. And if there was only one white and the filter product is selected "white", you would not be displayed with the product feature White / Brown.
  4. Nello shop che sto predisponendo, vengono venduti prodotti di vari colori. Tramite il “Filtro” (Blocco navigazione a strati) vorrei che l’utente possa cercare, tra le varie cose, anche per colore. Nel “Catalogo” è stato creata una “Caratteristica prodotto” chiamata “colore” con tutta la lista dei colori. Ad ogni prodotto viene associato il suo colore. Il problema mi sorge quando uno stesso prodotto ha più colori contemporaneamente poiché nelle “Caratteristiche” posso scegliere solo uno. Quindi ad esempio: Ho una lampada marrone e bianca. Nella scheda prodotto posso mettere come caratteristica “Bianca”. Ma se nel “Filtro” (Blocco navigazione a strati) l’utente seleziona “marrone” chiaramente non verrà visualizzata quella lampada. Esiste una soluzione o un modulo che possa fare questa cosa? Grazie in anticipo per consigli e indicazioni. Carlo P.S. Visto che ci sono molte variabili, non mi è funzionale impostare la caratteristica es. Bianco/Marrone. Se poi ci fosse un prodotto solo bianco e nel filtro viene selezionato "bianco", non verrebbe visualizzato il prodotto con caratteristica Bianco/Marrone.
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