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About BalzoT

  • Birthday 08/01/1987

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    Athens, Greece
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Community Answers

  1. Hi I think the correct variable is $is_logged, so the code should be {if !$is_logged} <p>Notice: Please <a href="/login">log in</a> to see the prices</p> {/if}
  2. Yes it can be done. You must figure out how to retrieve the info that has to be sent to you with an email and set it up. if we assume that you alter the cron function a bit in order to return the data inserted your code should be changed to something like <?php include(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../config/config.inc.php'); include(dirname(__FILE__).'/importfast.php'); $importFast = new ImportFast(); $data = $importFast->cron(); mail("[email protected]","My subject",$data); ?>
  3. Before starting to make changes to theme you should turn off the cache of Prestashop and force recompile on the changes of the tpl files. There is a chance that your changes are no the correct files but these files are cached so they are not loaded on the Frontend!
  4. You can also try to do this with JavaScript so the page won't reload with an error but on the other hand show a pop up message that tells the users to enter the vat_number. I think this is better UXwise
  5. You should put that in a tpl file not in php files. for example if you want it in the same space as the blockuserinfo module shows its content, then you should put it in the blockuserinfo.tpl
  6. Of course you can! there is a smarty variable available for stuff like that but it changes from prestashop 1.6 to 1.7. On prestashop 1.6 for example it is $is_logged
  7. A reason for what you are experiencing something like that is probably a smarty error that it within an {if is_mobile} check in one of your tpl files. I suggest you to check the error log of your server to see what is going wrong when you try to load the page from mobile and tell us what errors you get. Also it would be helpful if you tell the version of Prestashop you are running.
  8. Hi there the common practice to do is to add the smarty variables in the controller of the page not in the class file so you can keep the function to the Product.php but the smarty assign code should be moved to the ProductController.php inside the initContent function and changed to something like $this->context->smarty->assign('query_results', $this->product->sendIdLangBySmarty());
  9. Καλημέρα, υπάρχει ένα css που σου δημιουργεί το πρόβλημα απ'ὀτι βλέπω. #thumbs_list li img { border: 1px solid #fff; width: 100%; height: 100%; -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; -moz-box-sizing: border-box; box-sizing: border-box; } αν αλλάξεις το height σε auto φαίνεται να φτιάχνει.
  10. It usually is, but be sure for the page names to be correct. You can see them on the body tag on the id section of the tag
  11. Καλημέρα. η λύση που χρησιμοποίησα δεν είναι μέσω module αλλά με λίγο κώδικα στο product-list.tpl. Στο κουμπί για προσθήκη στο καλάθι μπαίνει ο εξής κώδικας στις classes <a class="button {if $product.id_product_attribute == 0 }ajax_add_to_cart_button {else} add-quick-view {/if} btn btn-default" href="..."> Με αυτόν τον τρόπο σε περίπτωση που το προϊόν έχει συνδυασμούς ανοίγει modal με το product page έτσι ώστε να γίνει η επιλογή του συνδυασμού.
  12. Hi Motion, 2 efficient of ways I can think of are. 1st use the addJS functinon in setMedia of each controller you use on the specific pages 2nd on header.tpl add the script tag using a smarty if checking the page name eg. {if $page_name == 'order-confirmation' || $page_name == ... }<script src='...'></script>{/if}
  13. You must change the code of the module and add the hook function in its core file. So in the socialsharing.php you will have to add public function hookDisplayFooter($params) { // the code.. }
  14. By taking a look at Prestashop 1.7 code I found this snippet of code beeing used. {if $customer.is_logged && !$customer.is_guest} Hope this is the case !
  15. Hi there I think you have typed the variable wrong. try {if $is_logged}
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