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  1. I would like to change the font size not of the top menu but of the left side menu in the homepage (and anywhere else.. Product page too). Advice appreciated. LA
  2. Question. As one of my product features i want a link to be displayed. How am i to write the http address on the csv page? We know the feature syntax is as follows: FeatureName:value:position If i was to add http://www.site.com as value Resulting in something like Research-link: http:www.site.com:5 Prestashop will cut anything after the http when i looked at the catalog -product feature menu, "http" is shown as a customization value If i write the value as Research-link:"http://www.site.com":5 on the catalog-product feature menu the value would show as N/A- I could use the value as www.site.com instead of http: But Even if i do that i dont know if it will be recognized as a link Nonetheless i would like to know what's the proper way to include a link in a feature (for csv importing purposes)
  3. Kousi i am no expert i have been lucky as far as doing csv imports when images are concerned by using the complete url including the domain... Such as http://www.yourstore.com/img/imagename.jpg The only time the images have not appear is either because i mispelled either tge file or the http address. I did not look exactly where prestashop wants us to placed all images.. I just created a folder for all my images under or inside the folder in prestashop /img folder Maybe the problem lies on the folder name?... You mention /images The version i am using of prestashop has the image folder as /img Hope this helps
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