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  1. This is a new custom field in the new user (costumer) registration, in the front page (authentication.tpl) This code creates a text field: <div class="form-group"> <label for="my_field">{l s='My field'}</label> <input id="my_field" class="form-control" name="my_field" type="text" value="{if isset($smarty.post.my_field)}{$smarty.post.my_field}{/if}" /> <span class="form_info">{l s='My field description'}</span> </div> But we need a dropdown menu instead. Can you help us? We just need the dropdown menu code. tks
  2. Hello, we need a new dropdown menu in the new user registration. We have followed this great tutorial -> http://prestacraft.com/adding-new-fields-to-the-registration-form/ but this creates a new text field with the code <div class="form-group"> <label for="my_field">{l s='My field'}</label> <input id="my_field" class="form-control" name="my_field" type="text" value="{if isset($smarty.post.my_field)}{$smarty.post.my_field}{/if}" /> <span class="form_info">{l s='My field description'}</span> </div> Can anyone help us to create a simple dropdown menu with the options yes or no?
  3. Hello, we need to have a dropdown menu instead of a text box. Can anyone help us with this? Just need a simple dropdown with yes or no values. Hello, could anyone help us with this?
  4. Hello, we need to have a dropdown menu instead of a text box. Can anyone help us with this? Just need a simple dropdown with yes or no values.
  5. What error are you receiving? Can you supply your store url?
  6. Problem solved. Thanks to razaro. YOU ROCK!!! Cannot thank you enough
  7. Totally agreed with you... Every solution should be public and open for everyone. tks
  8. We have send it to you in a PM, but you deleted the message. There is no harm in this, we appreciate the help you have given us Tks
  9. Thank you for your reply. We know this. The problem is somewhere in our site something is loading http://maxcdn.bootst...otstrap.min.css, the problem is we just don't know what is loading this or where it is. could someone help us? Tks
  10. Thank you for your reply. This is a secure URL. I just don't know where this is being loaded.
  11. Hello, i'm getting this error when activating ssl on all pages: Blocked loading mixed active content “http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css” Can anyone help me? Tks
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