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  • First Name
    Jesús R
  • Last Name
    Cova H

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Prestashop me está presentando un problema bien extraño, yo tengo el superadmin y prestashop no me edita el producto... le hago el cambio en el formulario digamos del titulo o descripción del mismo le doy guardar pero cuando refresca la página me sale la misma vieja información si la modificación que puede ser eso? Gracias.
  2. I have a problem, I did my controller it is: AdminMyModCommentsController.php but when I click on the tab to go there It says that the controller does not exist or not found, I deleted all the cache file, it exists in the path: modules/mymodule/controllers/admin/AdminMyModCommentsController.php what could it be? Thanks!
  3. Hi! I really do not know what it is happening but I have a hook that it did not hook I do not get it: I have my hook in modules/mymodule/mymodule.php The php code is: public function hookModuleRoutes() { return array('module-mymodcomments-comments' = array('controller' => 'comments', 'rule' => 'product-comments{/:module_action}{:/id_product}/page{:/page}', 'keywords' => array('id_product' => array('regexp' => '[\d]+', 'param' => 'id_product' ), 'page' => array('regexp' => '[\d]+', 'param' => 'page' ), 'module_action' => array('regexp' => '[\w]+', 'param' => 'module_action' ), ), 'param' => array('fc' => 'module', 'module' => 'mymodcomments', 'controller' => 'comments' ) ) } Then I put this in the install function: public function install() { if(!parent::install()){ return false; } if(!$this->loadSQLFile($sql_file) || !$this->registerHook('displayProductTabContent') || !$this->registerHook('ModuleRoutes')) { return false; } } but i do not know why it does not work, it did not display me any error but it does not work and I try to see the different hooks that mymodule is using and ModuleRoutes does not appear at all can you help me? Thanks!
  4. I am trying to make a table in a controller i have this for now class AdminHolaController extends ModuleAdminController { public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); } } how can i do that? Thanks for the help
  5. Hi!, I have a problem .. I have a tab my tab redirect the admin or employer to a controller called hola I put that hola controller in modules/mymodulename/controllers/admin ok the code of my controller is this: <?php class hola extends ModuleAdminController { public function initContent() { parent::initContent(); echo $value1 = 'hello world'; } } ?> BUT when i click the tab it does not show anything it stays in a blank page, what am i doing wrong? Thanks!
  6. Thank you very much, it worked!!
  7. Hi!; I am trying to save the id_employee when edits the product price, because i want to know what this employee changed so I am in AdminProductsController to know when the employee makes the change but i do not know how to get the id_employee inside AdminProductsController, I hope you can help me. Thanks.
  8. Hi!; I am trying to save the id_employee when edits the product price, I am in AdminProductsController to know when the employee makes the change but i do not know how to get the id_employee inside AdminProductsController, I hope you can help me. Thanks.
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