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About OlenLja

  • Birthday 04/02/1983

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Newbie (1/14)




Community Answers

  1. Help me, please, with the algorithm for attribute groups - how best to implement this (the code is not needed, only the algorithm): A product has attribute groups, and a group has attributes. The user first selects a value of group in the product , and then selects a value of an attribute from the attributes belonging to the group. Price premium depends on the group, and does not depend on the attribute itself. In the product there are several groups and several attributes without groups. Accordingly, there can be a lot of combinations. For example, a product is a carpet, two attributes without groups — width (50, 60, 70, ..., 240, 250) and length (50, 60, 70, ..., 240, 250), two group attributes: group1 - material: wool + $ 20 (attributes - mohair, cashmere, merino, alpaca, ..., angora), artificial thread + $ 0 (attributes - acrylic, polyamide, polyester, ..., polypropyl), vegetable + 0 $ (attributes - viscose, bamboo, flax, cotton, jute, hemp, ..., sisal) silk + $ 1000 (attributes - 1000, 1400, ..., 2000) group2 - palette: autumn + $ 0 (attributes - red, warm, ..., wine) winter + $ 10 (attributes - cold, blue, ..., frosty) summer + $ 0 (attributes - hot, ..., colorful) How best to accomplish this task? (version 1.6)
  2. I use checkout in 1 step, and do I have to overwrite OrderOpcController? I don't understand what function I have to overwrite. Or do I have to overwrite Save and Update in Address class?
  3. Hi! I need to automatic overwrite mobile phone number into special format before save to database. Where can I do it? In what controller or class? for example, user enter phone in format (XXX) XXX-XX-XX, and there is +38XXXXXXX in database.
  4. Добрый день! Подскажите, как на ajax реализовать следующее: При заказе в 5 шагов сделать, чтоб в шаге регистрации (когда вводиться имя/фамилия, емейл, пароль и нажимается регистрировать) не перегружалась страница, а аяксом грузились поля для адреса. И второй вопрос, как аяксом в престе получить не целую страницу, а только то что в шаблоне(без хедера и футера)
  5. How you fixed this problem?
  6. Fix: changed file names, made small letters of files - upholstery.php and upholstery.tpl on host.
  7. I created new page (via my module with front page). This page is displayed on localhost without any errors. But when it is on host, this page isn't displayed (error 500). Another pages of prestashop is ok. In log: Quote Class attributemultitextureupholsteryModuleFrontController is my class from my module. How I can fix this problem?
  8. Создала новую страницу (создала модуль с станицей для фронта), на локалхосте без ошибок работает. Перенесла магазин на хостинг - выдаёт ошибку 500 (только для этой новой страницы). В лог пишет: Что может быть? Куда смотреть?
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