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  1. Hello friends, I have developed Prestashop android client application with default webservices (i.e. using cloud store). Currently I have been working on PayPal payment integeration for mobile client with MSDK. Ref : https://github.com/paypal/PayPal-Android-SDK And transactions are working fine with my sand box business and buyer account credentials. But as PayPal mobile SDK integration, successful payment data need to verified by a server(as per my thought Prestashop) with PayPal. After a successful payment is made with the MSDK 2.x, the MSDK returns data to app about the payment (received by the MSDK from the REST API). Here is a sample response: { "client": { "environment": "sandbox", "paypal_sdk_version": "2.0.0", "platform": "iOS", "product_name": "PayPal iOS SDK;" }, "response": { "create_time": "2014-02-12T22:29:49Z", "id": "PAY-564191241M8701234KL57LXI", "intent": "sale", "state": "approved" }, "response_type": "payment" } And the server need to call PayPal services to confirm that the payment is authentic, for the expected amount and currency, and that we are the recipient of the payment. Ref : https://developer.paypal.com/webapps/developer/docs/integration/mobile/verify-mobile-payment/ I know that Prestashop support Paypal module for web version. I need to know that is PayPal module provides webservices to achieve the verification, if it so how to enable it. By the way I'am not expert in php Thanks in advance
  2. Hi, I am developing prestashop client application for android using default webservices(i.e. using default cloud store, not with my own hosted server). The issue is with validating customer. Since there is no default webservice to validate username and password(Correct me if am wrong), we need to use "https://xxxx.xxxx.com/api/customers" service with filter parameter of username and encrypted password. And MD5 encryption is done by appending COOKIE_KEY with password. So someone please tell how to get COOKIE_KEY from my cloud account to encrypt password. By the way i am not php expert
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