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  1. When I enabled friendly url, it used to give me an error for the route. I fixed this by changing the .htaccess permissions to 605. This took care of the error. When I enable friendly URLs and click on a category, it changes the url from http://pakdukaan.com/index.php?id_category=17&controller=category&id_lang=1 to http://pakdukaan.com/en/17_memoryram However when I click on a product from the category, it redirects to http://pakdukaan.com/en/index.php?controller=404 I'm not sure why it's giving me issues with the friendly URLs on the product pages.
  2. When you go to the website, the header contains options to login or register along with some other options. However once you login, the login and register links still show up. I'd really appreciate some guidance regarding this as I've tried searching the forums but couldn't find anything related to this. Thank you.
  3. I changed prestashop to use grid mode by default. This was done by changing the 'grid' to 'list' in product-list.tpl in my custom theme. When I change the filter in sort by the page is refreshed and the products show up in grid mode for 1-2 seconds before switching over to the list mode. I'm not sure why this is happening, any ideas? Thank you
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