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isabella moreno

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  1. Hi everybody I'm searching for a solution about my custom page. I need to post on my custompage.tpl my prestashop a simple string "Lorem ipsum" with ajax response from CustomPageController.php using json format. Can you help me? Thank You! controllers/front/CustomPageController.php public function initContent(){ parent::initContent(); if($this->ajax) //special variable to check if the call is ajax { $this->f(); } $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'custom-page.tpl'); } public function f() { return 'messaggio prova'; } custom_page.tpl $.ajax({ type: "POST", controller: 'controllers/front/CustomPageController', contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify({ }), success: function(response) { alert(response+"succ"); }, error: function(response) { alert(response+"err"); } });
  2. Ciao a tutti volevo stampare via ajax in una custom_page.tpl una stringa proveniente da una public function del controller. qualcuno sa dirmi come procedere? controllers/front/CustomPageController.php public function initContent(){ parent::initContent(); if($this->ajax) //special variable to check if the call is ajax { $this->f(); } $this->setTemplate(_PS_THEME_DIR_.'custom-page.tpl'); } public function f() { return 'messaggio prova'; } custom_page.tpl $.ajax({ type: "POST", controller: 'controllers/front/CustomPageController', contentType: "application/json", dataType: "json", data: JSON.stringify({ }), success: function(response) { alert(response+"succ"); }, error: function(response) { alert(response+"err"); } }); Grazie dell'aiuto!
  3. Hi, I'm using Prestashop and I need the following implementation. When visitor select my-page from horizontal menu module he will be redirect to landing page (my-page). Inside my-page I need a module that allows visitors to make a multiple selection of categories and subcategories(with selection validation). After categories selection will be displayed subcategory/subcategories related from category/categories selection. Categories(categories,subcategories,region,province) already exists on my prestashop configuration. Here the demo : http://www.mailtogo.it/preventivi-personalizzati/ Here the workflow: 1)Category selection(with select all checkbox) 1a)SubCategory selection(with select all checkbox) 2)Geographical Area Selection 2a)choose geographical area 2a1)Region 2a2)Province (list province related from Region Selection) 2a3)Zip Code(this isn't a category list) 2b)Italy(all Region all Province) 3)Company Type 3a) select company type (this isn't a category list) S.R.L S.N.C S.A.S S.P.A 3b) step over button to select all company type 4)Contact Form 4a) Registered user (login if not autenticated view Selection Details and press submit information to shop owner) 4b) visitors not registered go to contact form page(with validation), fill in the details,and submit information to shop owner. 5) return message ok with exception handler. 1)Contact Form include the following fields: 1a)NOT REGISTERED USER Name (*required) Surname (*required) Email (*required) Phone Number (*required) Web Site Company Name (*required) 1b)REGISTERED USER LOGIN if not logged 2) Selection Details shows only selected area Categories Subcategories Region Province Company type cap(zip code) Shop Owner after customer submit action, receive by email the following information: User Name Details(registered or not registered) Customer Selection Details (id,category_name) I will be pleased to answer any additional questions you may have. Thank You.
  4. Ciao a tutti come da titolo vorrei che la selezione delle categorie e delle sottocategorie da parte dell'utente (non registrato) generasse un prodotto prezzato. Esiste un metodo o un modulo che riesca a gestire questa logica oppure occorre uno sviluppo ad hoc? Grazie Isabella
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