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  1. Hi there friends, I’m in the process of writing a new module which will add a new “Collect In Store” carrier to a shop. The user can then select which existing store to collect from. I am aware of a number of addons that fulfil this requirement, however I can’t justify the price for such a simple requirement. Also – I want to learn how to write modules. I’ve attached a screenshot of a mocked up screen of step 4 (shipping) of the check-out process. This is where the new drop-down box in that will be shown. Only existing stores will be shown in the drop down. Please confirm my design thoughts for the first few steps (as I code I’ll get more questions ): I've followed this tutorial to get a basic carrier module working. I've installed it on my site and I can see the carrier. I will add a new field called id_store in the database table ps_order_carrier which references the same field in table ps_store. This will be done via the install (and conversely uninstall) methods. Nice tip found here by vblanch. What are the next steps? How do I get the dropdown on the screen? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Best regards, IronSwalt
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