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Right column pushed down

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Hi all,


I'm still struggling with my previous posted problem, but I'd like to post about another one. Our shop got a weird problem that when a product in the webshop don't include a product image, then the right column is pushed down.


It's weird because in that case it actually does have the "no image available"-image displayed. I tried to change the size of that no-image picture but that doesn't help. It happens both in FF and IE. We're using prestashop, with the leo converse theme.


Also, that theme uses separation-lines (> borders) between website elements. One of that lines, right under the product price, cuts right trough the product-quantity-box next to the Add to cart-button, where it should appear just beneath it.

I changed the display style of that element, and changed padding-settings, both that didn't fix it yet. This border-problem appears on every productpage, but maybe there's a link between these problems.


I'm on a close deadline so I really appreciate some help on these two things. Thanks allready.

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Ok, I would recommend you to contact Leothemes, as the structure of the two pages is a different, on one page (the correct one) two divs are on the same level. On the other page, one is above the other, that's why the page is all messed up.

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