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There are some places in the code that are neither modules nor Smarty templates that may require translations, for example, the php classes under /classes. In this case the $this->l() function may not be used, although it can be used if the class extends the Module class, because PrestaShop won't recognise it as a module and hence won't recognise its translations. PrestaShop only take as modules the classes under /modules and under /themes/YOUR_THEME/modules. Thus, if the $this->l() function is used, the string name will always be used and there will be no possibility to assign a translation to that variable.


I've developed a workaround to make available translations everywhere. It is done in three steps:


1 - Create a getExtraTranslation() function in Tools.php.


2 - Create a extratranslations module under /themes/YOUR_THEME/modules.


3 - Use the Tools::getExtraTranslation() anywhere.




1 - Create a getExtraTranslation() function in Tools.php.


The function goes in Tools.php and is this:


* Get an extra translation, not in modules or anywhere else
* @param string $string String to translate
* @return string Translation
static public function getExtraTranslation($string)
	global $_EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS, $cookie;


		$id_lang = (!isset($cookie) OR !is_object($cookie)) ? intval(Configuration::get('PS_LANG_DEFAULT')) : intval($cookie->id_lang);

		$translationsFile = _PS_THEME_DIR_.'modules/extratranslations/'.Language::getIsoById($id_lang).'.php';

		if (self::file_exists_cache($translationsFile) AND include_once($translationsFile))

	$string2 = str_replace('\'', '\\\'', $string);
	$currentKey = '<{extratranslations}'._THEME_NAME_.'>extratranslations_'.md5($string2);

	if (is_array($_EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS) && key_exists($currentKey, $_EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS))
		$msg = stripslashes($_EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS[$currentKey]);
		$msg = $string;

	return str_replace('"', '"', $msg);




NOTE: The global variable $_EXTRA_TRANSLATIONS may be initialised in /config/config.inc.php like this:





2 - Create a extratranslations module under /themes/YOUR_THEME/modules.


A Smarty template called extratranslations.tpl must be created under /themes/YOUR_THEME/modules/extratranslations/.


In this template will be created the extra translations that are used anywhere. For example:


{l s='Voucher code:'}
{l s='Total discounts'}
{l s='No message'}


Then, PrestaShop will recognise them as module translations and they will be available at back office when the module translations are updated. Here their values can be set.



3 - Use the Tools::getExtraTranslation() anywhere.


Wherever the extra translation is to be used, it will be done with the Tools::getExtraTranslation() function, like this:


echo Tools::getExtraTranslation('Voucher code:');

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